How to pack your Bond Bug -Ready for a rally 



Having been involved in the rally going scene for the last ten years I feel its time to pass on a few tips to Virgin rally goers. As the boot is fairly restricted in a Bug care has to be taken on what and what not to pack. Listed below are a few items you may need for your weekend away.

Don’t bother with the ones that just sleep 2. Get the biggest you can lay your hands on preferably one with an awning. Various drunken micro enthusiasts can then use it after being kicked out of the nearest pub normally well past closing time.)
Tents will easy stow in you Bond Bug. The trough behind the light clusters is ideal. You can then turn up at the camping field to be told “your off side tail lights not working”. After closer inspection you will then find the bulb holder dangling loose from a couple of dodgy strands of wire.

Ear Plugs.
These are a necessity. Wedge them in your ears and no more clattering tappets, no more rattling canopy and no more “funny noises” where you wonder “where the hell is that coming from? ”.
Ear plugs have an added bonus- Stick them in your lug holes as you hit the sack and you can’t hear the snoring from the Bug Club Committee in the tents next door.

Map of the nearest Town.
Not to find the campsite as this is normally marked by lumps of wet card board flapping in the wind tied to the nearest available lamp post /tree/ speed camera. Maps come in handy when its time to find the local cash point machine.
If you store your map/ rally pack / directions/ tickets etc on the parcel shelf your asking for trouble. As you hurtle down the road with the side screens off, there’s a fluttering of paper behind your head then in the rear view mirror you see the offending article as it heads under the jugernught behind.

Sleeping bag.
Sleeping bags have 2 purposes the first is to sleep in the 2nd is to place on top of your battery. This stops jump leads, car jacks and other metal clutter from arching the terminals together and setting fire to the boot. (that would never happen would it Matt?)

This can have various uses. If your a bit of a concourse fanatic, not only can you use it to wash your Bug but it also comes in handy for storing the car polish/sponge and the cotton wool buds for wiping the inside of the exhaust.
Buckets have an added bonus-take it to bed at the end of a heavy drinking session then there's no need to get out of the tent when called short at half past 4 in the morning. Just be careful not to knock it over.

See Alan Turley for this one