The Welsh Microcar Rally 2000

I'm not knocking anybody for attending local car shows as they play a big part in keeping the classic car market so big in Britain. The problem I have is sitting around at the back of your car with a camping basket full of limp sandwiches a flask of stewed tea and soggy biscuits. Your invariably asked the same daft questions has it got a reverse gear?  a Hillman Imp engine or will it roll over on a bend. Then you have the snotty nosed kids that want to flick all the switches and make comments like "BOND BUG ! did 007 drive it?" - By god that was hilarious mate not heard that one before.

Cars are meant to be driven and nothing gives me more pleasure then giving the Bug a good thrash. So as a trip to Morecambe for the BOC rally had been cancelled I decided to head in a Westerly direction to meet with my Buggin Friends Chris/Liz Powell and Harvey/Manda Brugier. Not having visited this area before I was looking forward to the trip. So with Wellington boots packed off I set. 3 hours later with a grin to rival the Blair's I arrived at the site to be greeted by the Bug Brigade. Apart from queues at Oxford all went well, Is it just me or are there always hold ups in Oxford?. As this was more of a Pie and Pint rally there was no big plans laid out so we headed for the camps on site bar. Not to break with Bug Club tradition a couple of pints of Shandy were drunk and it was then back to the Powell's big top for a night cap.  

The photo Below is Chris/ Liz Powell's Bug.

The following morning everybody seemed to be up before I was, was it the Welsh air or the extra Shandy I Wondered. At 11.30 a convoy of 2 Bugs a Bond 875 and a Kit car headed out of the site with Dave Morgan in his Range Rover. On route we picked up a Messershmitt and then headed off to Usk. For those of you who maybe reading this across the pond your probably wondering where the hell is Wales. Well its that lump that sticks out from England and is the birth place of Tom Jones and the Manic Street Preachers. If you ever get a chance to come over to our little country its worth paying Wales a visit, its got some really great scenery and the people are very friendly. (That's got to be worth a beer next time we meet up Chris!!). Usk our destination is a small market town with a large river flowing through it  after going our separate ways we headed for a disused castle. I guess it was disused as it no longer existed. We then enjoyed the delights of the local park. At 2 pm the museum of Rural life opened its doors to the waiting throng, this place is packed full of ancient artifacts from trades long forgotten. From Usk we headed for the Roman Baths at Carleon. I could see why the Romans had stopped using the baths  they were full of grass. By this time the rain had started so we didn't stay long but headed back to the camp site.

Saturday evening was again spent ,split between the local pub and the club house. On arrival at the club house an assortment of O A P s were gathered for a game of Bingo  not to be outdone we decided to join them but despite our combined efforts we won bugger all. Dave Morgan got a lot of support with his rude jokes but unfortunately had a slight mishap and dislodged the PA the compare was the one at fault as he had wound the mike leads around the floor. The evening was rounded off with a slice or 2 of toast cooked by yours truly. 

Sunday was another leisurely day with another road run this time to Tintern Abbey. A neighbor of mine who happens to be Welsh said If I got the chance head down the Wye valley as there was some pretty good sight's. He wasn't wrong - this little journey is one of those I shall remember for a very long time the Bug was running well the headphones were on and the views across the valley was one to behold  its what's rally going is all about. Although we didn't go in Tintern Abbey is worth a look. Photos were took and we then headed up country to find the other rally goers who had headed for Symonds Yat. Unfortunately they had gone to the other side of the river so we never met up.

I must say a big thank you for the Welsh micro car club for laying on this event and a big thank you to Chris and Liz for all your hard work and for supplying the tea on the route home.
