By Angela Grieger


I had never been so touched before the coming of that hour,
His face lit up before me like a beautiful opening flower,
Could love really be so instant, could it really be so sweet,
I had suddenly lost my heart, stolen away complete,
I was standing in my kitchen, and I couldn't move away,
My heart was beating fast, and my legs had turned to clay,
Before me on my tv screen, was a vision new to me,
It was a young lad, giggling hard, as cute as ever could be,
It was 1989, it was April in the spring,
I was tuned in to Sue Lawley, yet overcome by the strangest thing,
I couldn't take my eyes off the boy with the dimply smile,
He was really quite nervous, as they chatted for a while,
I remember now my phone rang, and I never picked it up,
I remember I had coffee, that went cold still in the cup,
I couldn't take my eyes away from that boyish grin,
There was something about that boy, something drawing me to him,
And then the greatest moment of discovery ever came,
Sue Lawley I recall said "Michael Ball" was this boys name,
I thought the show was over, then he moved to a set to sing,
For the first time in my life I heard "Love Changes Everything"
I was still there in my kitchen, and still glued to the spot I stood,
That moment changed my life forever, more than I ever knew it could,
I remember that moment now, even though ten whole years have passed,
For it was from that very minute that my Michael spell was cast,
I loved him on that day, that he came into my life by chance,
The boy grew into a man, and lead all our hearts a dance,
But one thing never changed in ten years of seeing him,
Michael never lost that charm, and that beautiful boyish grin!
And I never lost the love I had for the boy I never knew,
It developed into eternal love for the man who grew and grew,
And just three weeks ago today, my final dream came true,
I finally got to meet the boy I never knew!