Update Archives

Note: All links in italics on this page have not been made by me, but by other people.



Feb 23- Wow, is it really that long since my last update? Anyway, I've added some cartoons I made to the Pictures page, and I've added a nerdy poem to the Poems page. After you've read those, please Save Futurama. You know you secretly want to.

Feb 9- It's finally here. My latest flash movie, The Blob Part 1, has been completed. Part 2 will come when I can be bothered to do it. After you have seen the movie, blow some bubbles.

Feb 3- Flash is still taking up a lot of time, but for now, I've treated you lot to some pictures I've made. I would like to apologise for the popups that keep appearing on this site. I will try to do something about them soon. While I take forever to do Flash anims, play a Worm Game.

Jan 22- I'm taking quite a long time to finish the flash movie, but I've put up a new logo at the top. No one has emailed yet, so I'm just going to continue with my flash animations. Meanwile, look at the penguin parade.

Jan 10- My Computer was bad idea. Unless anyone asks for it back, it's gone. Instead, you can look at some poems. I've recently got flash, so you may see some new movies in a while. While you wait, why not do some random advertising.

Dec 29-Okay, the layout's slightly better than it was, but not by much. I've started up a new thing here. You simply take a picture of what your computer looks like, and send it to me. You can see them all here. There's only one at the moment- mine. I'm depending on you to make that a bigger number. Amuse yourself by doing a quick spot of flying.

Dec 24-The email's working now. I may update in a bit and improve the layout, but for now, have a Merry Christmas.

Dec 23- Something's strange with the email. I put in the wrong address, but now it's correct. Somehow, it still doesn't work when I test it. Anyway, keep yourself amused by The Christmas Countdown. Don't spend too long there, the music can get annoying. I found out the hard way.