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about Jacques Derrida

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Critical thinker Archive





Negative Theology


Archive Fever (book review here) Derrida Online


Derrida's e-mail to Freud

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Derrida on Hauntology

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Derrida invented the term ‘hauntology’ to refer to the logic of the ghost. (I think the term first appears in his book Spectres of Marx.) In French, the word ‘hauntology’ sounds identical to the word ‘ontology’, which it is part of Derrida’s purpose to critique.
more Ontology and Hauntology

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Derrida on Khora

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Derrida defines khora by what it isn't, khora is that which defies the logic of noncontradiction, the logic of either/or.
more Contradiction

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Derrida on Negative Theology

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"Considering that every predicative language is inadequate to the essence, in truth to the hyperessentiality (the being beyond Being) of God; consequently, only a negative (‘apophatic’) attribution can claim to approach God and to prepare for a silent intuition of God."

J Derrida, “How to avoid speaking: denials”, in S Budick & W Iser (eds) Languages of the Unsayable: The Play of Negativity in
Literature and Literary Theory  (NY: Columbia Univ Press, 1989) pp 3-70.  See also H Coward & T. Foshay (eds) Derrida
and Negative Theology  (Albany NY: SUNY Press, 1992)
more Remaining Silent

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Derrida on Resistance

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Many people in technology change management talk about overcoming resistance. Technology change is seen as a battle between the forces of progress (i.e. the champions of technology) and the forces of resistance.

This echoes a popular theme in psychotherapy, where the therapist is supposed to overcome the resistance of the patient - resistance is interpreted as a sign of hostility on the part of the patient. This is explored (in his characteristic convoluted style) by Derrida. (For a Frenchman, of course, the contrast between Resistance and Collaboration has particular historical significance.)

Resistances of Psychoanalysis Explores the resistance to analysis contained within Freud, Lacan and from
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This page last updated on December 2nd, 2003
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