The Book Titles Quiz:

Supply the missing word from each book title along with its author:

1. King Solomon's --------

2. The Invisible --------

3. To -------- Them All My Days

4. 20,000 -------- Under the Sea

5. James and the Giant --------

6. Three Men in a --------

7. A -------- Orange

8. The -------- of the Baskervilles

9. Animal --------

10. Cold -------- Farm

11. Frenchman's --------

12. The Secret --------

13. To -------- a Mockingbird

14. A Breath of French --------

15. Lucky --------

16. -------- Groan

17. -------- New World

18. The -------- Strain

19. -------- Postponed

20. The -------- Cuckoos

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