Plans for the Future

I've decided to include this page as a reminder to myself as to what needs to be done next. There is a section below where you can contact me if you have any ideas to add or you are researching your own Hammond ancestry in Hertfordshire and/or elsewhere.

 My information to date comes maily from time spent at the Society of Genealogists in London. I'm hoping to make a visit to the Herts Record Centre to take at look at the original documents where possible, maybe scan a few to include as images on this site.

 I'd like to take a few trips around Herts with a camera and get some photographs of the places mentioned in the main pages. It will also give me an idea of the distances these people would have travelled when horsepower still meant horsepower.

 The next step is to try to piece together some proven genealogies and try to find where possible some common ancestry. There is already a link between the main families with the brewing industry but this obviously proves nothing at this stage. Brewing was a common enough occupation to make this merely coincidence.

 Then I can expand into the surrounding counties concentrating firstly on those parishes which I already know have a link with Herts Hammonds such as Manuden in Essex.

 If I have enough webspace there are plenty of fascinating characters bearing the surname Hammond who appear in Who’s Who, Burkes and other bibliographies. It would be great to repeat their stories here and link them in where possible with an ancestry pieced together on these pages.

 In a similar feel to the last idea I would like to have a Rogue's Gallery for Hammonds who have distinguished themselves for all the wrong reasons but in doing so have unwittingly added a bit of colour to their future family trees. A trip to the Colindale Newspaper Library may prove useful for this section.

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