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Grobos. Large elephant type creatures, which walk on their hind legs (unlike elephants). Another race which will happily co-exist with the others on Twinsun, however rain tends to "Chap their hides", and if you push them, they will almost definitely push you back.....twice as hard. Been large creatures you'd expect them to be dumb, not so, the majority of them are quite clever, the ones that aren't are extremely talented when it comes to jobs involving manual labor, and banging about. (i.e. punching the shit out of someone).



Location: Entrance to School Of Magic, reading test results.

All this poor guy wants to do is complain about his lousy test results. However catch him at the right time, and he can be quite helpful, especially when it comes to rare flowers. This Grobo would definitely be one of the ones better suited to manual labor.



Location: Standing about around the General Store/Entrance to Docks (sic)

Remember him? The first Grobo you came across in LBA1, and the first one you'll come across in LBA2. Dressed in his usual green he's pretty pissed about.....everything. Not too helpful, but likes you because of your Hero trait.

Jerome Baldino.

Jerome Baldino.

Location: His workshop/House in Port Ludo on The White Leaf Desert (previously Proxima Island)

Baldino. Probably your best mate. stick with him at all times, and never hesitate to pay him a visit, Throughout your adventure Baldino is going to be a great help. Wish my mates were like him, actually I haven't got any mates.....oh well.



Location: His bar on Citadel Island. Chez Luc, Lupin-Bourg.

Luc. Another good friend, after all you did save his pub from been smashed shitless. Loves listening to your tales, and funky music on the duke box. All round good character, will prove most helpful at times.

Mr. Paul.

Mr. Paul.

Location: The Docks/Harbor (Oh Dear).

Mr. Paul is Inter-Island Ferry Services only Ferry driver. Not that he drives a ferry, he drives a 400Mph Hovercraft, only on clear days though.Gives you the odd hint about what you should be doing (not hanging around docks). Real Hard Guy (you can tell by the voice he puts on).


Ms. Bloop.

Location: Her Museum (Ms. Bloops Private Twinsen Museum)

This kind lady runs a museum dedicated to your traits in LBA1 (you know, when you saved the world of Twinsun). Is holding you Magic Tunic, and Sendall Medallion but, is willing to turn it over at anytime. Helpful person, however I wouldn't trust my belongings to her Museum (They leave windows open, which lead to control rooms, with levers to open doors). After you've got your stuff from her there's no point going back.



Location: Outside of The Weather Wizards Tent.

Erm, no idea as to who he is. Just wanders about gibbering on about collecting mushrooms. Talk to him, at your own risk. Funny, but completely useless.