Images and Screenshots.

In here I've compiled a few screen-grabs which I've taken from Little Big Adventure 2. If you've played the game you'll know what's going on, and where. If you haven't. hopefully they'll tickle your fancy.

Esmers, go home.                     Up, Up, and away!       Crap cab mate.

Ohh-Ohh I like the ship. Can I have a go please?                           Floaty Light.                   Where's the wheels & roof gone?

Niaaammmm, DAKKA, DAKKA.         Smooch, Smooch.

         Dino-Fly, with vapour trails coming off him. Hmmm.                         Twinsen & Zoe getting on well.......still.

                              Twinsen and Dino.....Posing for the Screen-Grab.           Twinsen and Dino flying......and posing for Screen-Grab.    

                               Dino-Fly & Twinsen..just standing about.       Dino-Fly & Twinsen...just flying about.

     Lives in a house, a very big house in                Mmmmmm, BEER!

Twinsens new house. Much better than the one Funfrock battered.                         Pub....Beer.....I'm in my element.