
Once again, just a page to help you in your way around Little Big Adventure 2. This page only contains a few locations from Twinsun. We'll probably get the Zeelich locations on here some other time.

Lupin-Bourg2.gif (111533 bytes)

Lupin-Bourg. This is the only 'city' on Citadel Island. In the beginning Lupin-Bourg is covered by a storm, the port (1) is not operational at this time, but you need to get off the Island, so you'll have to stop the storm. The port will be your only way of getting about in the beginning of the game. The Pub (2) is an excellent place to find information. Just to the top right (3) is Madam Bloop's Museum. Go there to get your Frock, and Sendall Medallion. The off-licence is (4) get your fuel & meca-pingouins from there. To the left you'll be able to find The Lighthouse (follow the path) and your house (come on, you started there). To the right you'll be able to find The Weather Wizard's tent, and the entrance to the cliffs.

Port-Ludo-white-leaf.gif (82815 bytes)                                                                                                                                                                                    

Port-Ludo. Well, yet again the only 'city' on one island. This time Desert Island (re-named from The White Leaf Desert) To your left (1) is the Inter-Island's ferry service. Directly above your head is the off licence (2). To your right is the Healers house(3). Here you won't find the healer, but you will get a vial of stuff to restore maps (go upto the shelf,and do action). Down on the beach (4) is the local restaurant, not much use really. Jerome Baldino lives in the Desert (5). He can be extremely helpful, and you shouldn't hesitate a visit here.


Unfortunately that's all I can do with my limited resources. If anyone is willing to supply me with their web-space, please contact me