Welcome to the equipment page!

Chris Duffy (17) - Lead/Rhythem guitarist.

I use a gibson les paul epiphone special or some bollocks like that, through a Kustom KLA10 (10 watts) Amplifier and a hohner 25 watt amp. Both have excellent overdrive and all that so they sound pretty goddamn good.

Alex Brown (17) - Lead/Rhythem Guitarist and bassist.

Alex uses a Fender Squier Stratocaster replica through an hohner 25 watt amp.

Ryan Knowles (17) - Singer/Rhythem guitarist.

Ryan uses a Hohner hl90 stratocaster replica through a hohner 15 watt amplifier.

Paul Windor (17) - Drummer.

Paul uses a drumset which has been upgraded so many times that I don't know what the hell it is or was. All I know is that it is a bloody brilliant drum set (It should be seeing as he's spent over £1000 on it, excluding what it cost in the first place!)

Come back later for a fuller description of our equipment (including photos, prices, links to reviews, features, etc.) so this page can help you with any decisions if you are thinking of purchasing equipment.

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