Last Updated 20/8/99

Andraia [Reboot videos & stuff]

Hi all out there!!!

My names David. I live in Haverfordwest where there are no jobs atall and is pritty dull.

I am a student at Pembrokeshire college. I am doing the First Diploma in Animal Care. I have 3 years left in college then on to vet school to train to be a veterinary nurse. The work is very very hard especially because I am dyslexic. I am managing it slowly at the minute.

I am looking for any E-mail pen pales if interested give me a E-mail

My nick name on the net is EM it stands for Enzo Matrix one of the Reboot caricatures.

My hobbies and interests are:-

I have a lot of pets one dog, three cat, two rabbits, two hamsters.