WFRP Genesis v1.51 Instructions New Skills 1. From the Menu click the Edit/Add Skills... button. 2. Click the new record button, at the bottom of the View/Edit Skills Form, near the record count. 2. You should now have a blank record to fill in. 4. Click in the Skill Title field, and type the name of your new Skill. 5. Select a Skill Class. Click on the down arrow to the right of the box and pick the relevant category for your skill. 6. If this new Skill needs someone to teach it to those who are learning it, or if it can be picked up from a book, click the down arrow on the Needs Tutor or Book to learn field and select Yes 7. If your PC's are to be allowed to buy the same Skills more than once, and you wish this to be available for multiple purchases, click the down arrow on the Can be learned more than once field and select Yes. 8. Type a short summary of the new Skill including game effects, etc in the Short description of Skill field. 9. If you have no more Skills to add, click the Close button in the top right of the Skills form, to go back to the Menu. 10. Alternatively, click the new record button again to add another blank record to fill in. New Basic Careers 1. From the Menu click the Edit/Add Basic Careers... button. 2. Click the new record button, at the bottom of the View/Edit Basic Careers form, near the record count. 2. You should now have a blank record to fill in. 4. Click in the Career Title field, and type the name of your new Basic Career. 5. The Type field should already be on Basic. 6. Click the down arrow in the Class field, and select from one of the four Career Classes. This is the Career Class to which this Career now belongs. (i.e: a Bodyguard is a Warrior Career). 7. Fill in the Source field with any appropriate information. 8. Fill in the Advance Scheme of your new Basic Career, do not type the plus (+) signs - these will be added automatically. 9. Fill in the Career Skills information by clicking in the next available field (under the heading SkillID). You then have two options: you can either type the Skill Title in and Genesis will attempt to fill in the remainder of the Skill Title for you - if it is correct you can just press ENTER to move to the next field. The second option is to click the down arrow that appears, and to select the desired Skill from the list. 10. Each Skill field has a Chance field in front of it. The value in this field defaults to 100. To change it to any other value just click in the Chance field and type the desired value This represents the percentage chance of a PC with this Basic Career having access to the specified Skill. (i.e: 50% chance of Speak Additional Language). 11. Fill in the Trappings for this Basic Career. While filling in this field, ENTER moves to a new line instead of moving to the next field. 12. Fill in the Career Exits in the same way as the Career Skills. 13. Finally, enter a short description of your Basic Career in the Notes/Description field. 14. If you have no more Basic Careers to add, click the Close button in the top right of the View/Edit Basic Careers form, to go back to the Menu. 15. Alternatively, click the new record button again to add another blank record to fill in. New Advanced Careers. 1. From the Menu click the Edit/Add Advanced Careers... button. 2. Click the new record button, at the bottom of the View/Edit Advanced Careers form, near the record count. 2. You should now have a blank record to fill in. 4. Follow the rest of the instructions for Basic Careers for data entry. (Substituting the word Basic for Advanced). New Races 1. From the Menu click the Edit/Add Races... button. 2. Click the new record button, at the bottom of the Race Details form, near the record count. 2. You should now have a blank record to fill in. 4. Click in the Race Name field, and type the name of your new Race. 5. Fill in the Random Probability field on the right. This indicates the percentage chance of a PC being a member of this particular Race and is used during random character generation. 6. On the Details Tab, fill in the Typical Alignment field by clicking on the down arrow and picking one of the five alignments. This is the typical starting alignment for this Race. 7. Fill in any appropriate Psychology Rules, note that the default for this field is 'No special psychology rules'. 8. Fill in the Languages Spoken field. This is not used anywhere else, currently. 9. In the Night Vision Distance field, fill in the default starting Night Vision distance for this Race. 10. In the ENC Modifier field, fill in the Race's Encumbrance modifier. 11. Under Base Heights fill in the values for the Feet and Inches fields for both Male and Female. These determine the starting heights for both genders and are used in random generation. 12. Under Age Group Details fill in the Minimum Age and Maximum Age for both the Young and Old age groups. These values determine the age ranges for random generation and for the Initial Skill Modifiers. 13. Under Fate Points fill in the Dice Number (i.e: 1 for one die, 2 for two dice, etc). Then fill in the Dice Type by clicking the down arrow and selecting a dice type (such as D3, D4, etc). Then fill in the Modifier (if desired). Negative modifiers must be typed with the '-' in front (i.e: -3). Likewise, positive modifiers must have the '+' symbol (i.e: +3). All these values are used in random generation of characters. 14. Follow the same procedures for filling in the Base Profile. 15. Under Initial Skill Modifiers fill in the desired Modifier for each age range. Negative modifiers must be typed with the '-' in front (i.e: -3). Likewise, positive modifiers must have the '+' symbol (i.e: +3). 16. On the Mandatory Skills Tab fill in all desired Primary Mandatory Skills using the same methods for filling in Skills on the View/Edit Basic Careers form. Any Character with enough Initial Skills will automatically gain all Primary Mandatory Skills selected here. 17. Fill in all desired Secondary Mandatory Skills in the same way. A Character with enough Initial Skills will receive ONE of these Skills, chosen at random. 18. To delete a Skill from either the Primary Mandatory Skills or the Secondary Mandatory Skills, click on the grey box next to the first column and press the DELETE key on your keyboard. 19. On the Allowed Careers Tab under Available Basic Careers list, select all Basic Careers that are to be allowed for this Race, and click the Blue Arrow Button to transfer them to the Basic Careers Allowed for this Race list. Basic Careers in this list will be available for allocation on the Initial Career Availability form. 20. Do the same for the Advanced Careers. 21. To delete a Career from either of the lists, click on the grey box, next to the first column and press the DELETE key on your keyboard. 22. On the Career Class Limits and Notes Tab fill in the required numbers for each Career Class and enter any relevant notes for your new Race. 23. Click the View/Edit Initial Skills button. 24. On the tabs to the right, click on the correct tab for the Career Class you wish to assign new Initial Skills to. 25. From the list on the left, select the skills that you would like for the Career Class chosen above. You can select them one at a time, or use the SHIFT button to select a range (i.e: from Acrobatics to Ambidextrous including all those in-between), or use the CTRL button to select a range of skills which are not next to each other. (i.e: Acrobatics, Acute Hearing and Ambidextrous, but not Acting or Agriculture). 26. When you have chosen your list of skills, click the Blue Arrow button to transfer them to the chosen Career Class. You will notice that your selections are not cleared after you do this, this is so that you can select a range of skills common to all Career Classes and transfer them across by clicking the Blue Arrow button and moving to the next Career Class, and doing the same, then moving to the next Career Class, etc. 27. If a duplication is detected it will stop adding all further skills which were selected after the duplicated skill. 28. You will note the 100 figure that appears next to the new Skill, this is the skill percentage and it determines how likely it is that a PC of this particular Race and Career Class will get this skill during random generation. This figure can be changed to whatever figure you choose, but any figure higher than 100, virtually guarantees that the skill will be had by new PC's. 29. To delete a Skill from the list for the current Career Class, click on the grey box, next to the first column and press the DELETE key on your keyboard. 30. When all skills have been chosen for all Career Classes, click the Close button at the top right, and go back to the Race Details form. 31. Click on the View/Edit Initial Careers button to set up a list of Initial Careers for each Career Class. The Careers that appear in the list on the left, are the Basic Careers assigned to this Race in the Allowed Careers Tab. The form works in the same way as the View/Edit Initial Skills form. (See above). 32. To delete a Career from the list for the current Career Class, click on the grey box, next to the first column and press the DELETE key on your keyboard. 33. When this is done, your new Race is complete. Click the Close button in the top right to go back to the Menu.