Blake Stone




Not the sequel to Wolfenstein 3-D, that honour was given to Spear of Destiny. However, it was the next one in line after that. And although it used the Wolf3D engine, it had many additional features and an entirely different scenario. Two registered Blake Stone sets were released - Aliens Of Gold and Planet Strike.

Whereas Spear of Destiny looked back, the Blake Stone sets went forward - a long, long way.


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Levels etc.

Aliens Of Gold: Shareware Version Download it here.

Blake Revolution Uses the Wolf 3D engine but simulates Blake Stone. 45 quite extensive and well decorated levels, mostly with lots of guards. Some basic source code changes like episode names and increased ammo limit. There's a text file which has quite a lengthy storyline included. Has a futuristic feel. Made by Johnathan. All files included. Available here.

Blake Wolf This patch by A. Nonymous simulates Blake Stone. It requires the Wolfenstein 3D Shareware 1.4 version to play, and has 10 new levels which I made. For further details check here.

bsnewf Five completely new levels for the Aliens of Gold set version 2. Insert in the registered version of Blake Stone, using MapEd (version 8.0 or later). By Dan Cogley. Available here.

Guystone Now UPDATED with 5 new episodes for Aliens of Gold. Made by Guy Brys. Available here.

Guystrike Full set for Planet Strike, made by Guy Brys. Available here,

New Levels by Dave Hunstoon A set of 7 floors that need at least Mapedit v8.0 to be placed into the maps. Also needs the registered 'Aliens Of Gold' set to play. Download them here.

AOGX - Levels by Mikey X A set of 12 levels (9 regular, 3 secret), that need at least Mapedit v8.0 to be placed into the maps. Also needs the registered 'Aliens Of Gold' set to play. Eventually, the set will have 72 levels. The levels look pretty good, and most of the time the difficulty level is similar to the original though occasionally it can be harder. Available here.

AOGX - above set of levels Now also available in 'maphead/maptemp' form rather than as individual maps. Available here.

BSE24 Twenty four levels made by ack for the full version of 'Planet Strike'. They are available here. Updated June 2011.

BSE90 Ninety levels made by ack for the full version of 'Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold'. My first impression, based on the first few levels, is that this is a high quality set. They are available here.

Ling's Blake Stone Levels A set of 78 levels that plays with the registered version of Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold. Some of the levels require you to find barrier switches in secret/super secret levels to get past them. Based on playing the first few levels it looks to be a high quality set. By Ling Yan Li. Available here.

Ling's Planet Strike Levels A set of 24 levels that plays with the registered version of Planet Strike. They were made by Ling Yan Li. It all looks very good so far. Available here.

Unfinished De Zeurkous Levels Some Blake Stone 'Aliens Of Gold' levels that were never finished but are playable. Plays like one big level using teleporters. No elevator here. The first level is almost finished. The other levels are finished in part to enable the player to get items and throw switches needed on the same or other levels. Available here.








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