Chaos / Space Marines big clash

As mentioned on the main page, we didn't bother with a full battle report for this one as we were mainly concerned with trying out the new rules. So I've noted the key points down instead. So, what does this mean for the campaign? Well, I decided that the Ambush by the Dark Angels a few days previously had led to elite units (ravenwing?) being able to track the Undead Convoy on it's journey across the wastes and observed their discovery of a chaos relic. By the time they had linked up with the rest of the Undead and Chaos forces, the Space Marines had amassed sufficient troops to attempt to crush them utterly. With the odds in their favour, they were successful in their attempt to devastate the Chaos force, yet the stubborn refusal of the Chaos Lord to die bought time for the relic to be carried away by Undead Units.