Phase 2 PMS pilot application from Cuckfield Medical Practice

As a team we have discussed this closely and all now feel that the way forward for us is as a PMS Practice with a single contract covering all the services that the Practice provides.

At this stage, we have set out our initial thoughts on the potential scope of the pilot. Clearly this may have to be modified in the light of future guidance and discussions with the Health Authority and the PCG. Through the PMS pilot we would seek to at least maintain our existing In-house Services but we also wish to discuss how we might extend existing services and offer new In-house Services. We therefore expect our application to include the following areas:-

CARE OF THE ELDERLY SERVICE - including regular health checks for the elderly as well as a service for Carers.
ASTHMA - extension of our existing asthma service to provide a complete asthma service for our patients.
CORONARY HEART DISEASE - to provide a full community based CHD program, to include lipid monitoring and regular checks.
DIABETES - a complete diabetic service to patients designed to complement the hospital diabetic service.
OSTEOPOROSIS - monitoring all women aged between 50 and 70, checking and managing bone density.
MINOR SURGERY CLINIC - to meet the demand for this very popular but severely underfunded service.
SEXUAL HEALTH/WOMENS HEALTH/CONTRACEPTION CLINIC - all activities within this group will be audited, monitored and maintained by the nursing team, headed by the Nurse Practitioner. Standards are to be agreed and set within the Practice and guidelines based on nationally agreed plans will be adhered to.
POSITIVE PARENTING GROUP - sessions will be offered focusing on OK Parenting, Accidents, Nutrition, Child Development.
PSYCHOTHERAPY AND MENTAL HEALTH TEAM One-stop Mental Health Clinic - All non-consultant mental health referrals to be passed to the team, who will offer an immediate appointment for assessment and treatment plan. The whole service to be audited and maintained by a Mental Health Facilitator.


(a) Dermatology

The Practice already employs a GP Assistant who also works as a Dermatologist at Crawley Hospital. We plan to formalise our arrangement with her, extend the Dermatology service that we currently offer to our patients.

(b) Ophthalmology

We already offer a hospital Out Patient Ophthalmological service to our patients. It is our intention to continue this service under the PMS pilot. The service has been running for 6 years and has proved cost effective and popular with patients and doctors, both from Cuckfield Practice and the other Mid Sussex Practices who use the service.

(c) ENT

We have had an In-house ENT service now for one year. This has offered a limited service but has been well received and popular with our patients. We are investing in some equipment that will allow the service to develop into more general ENT Assessment Clinic, making referrals to the hospital only when surgery is needed or for a further opinion. This extended service will be offered to patients under the PMS pilot


It is our intention to develop a Sports Medicine Clinic within the Practice. One of the Partners is completing a Postgraduate Diploma course in Sports Medicine and wishes to offer this service to our patients.