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Appendix E: Listing of Const.oph for Series 5

Appendix E: Listing of Const.oph for Series 5

    REM CONST.OPH version 1.10
    REM Constants for OPL
    REM Last edited on 19 May 1997
    REM (C) Copyright Psion PLC 1997
    REM General constants
    CONST KTrue%=-1
    CONST KFalse%=0
    REM Data type ranges
    CONST KMaxStringLen%=255
    CONST KMaxFloat=1.7976931348623157E+308
    CONST KMinFloat=2.2250738585072015E-308
    REM Minimum with full precision in mantissa
    CONST KMinFloatDenorm=5e-324
    REM Denormalised (just one bit of precision left)
    CONST KMinInt%=$8000
    REM -32768 (translator needs hex for maximum ints)
    CONST KMaxInt%=32767
    CONST KMinLong&=&80000000      REM -2147483648 (hex for translator)
    CONST KMaxLong&=2147483647
    REM Special keys
    CONST KKeyEsc%=27
    CONST KKeySpace%=32
    CONST KKeyDel%=8
    CONST KKeyTab%=9
    CONST KKeyEnter%=13
    CONST KGetMenu%=4150
    CONST KKeyUpArrow%=4105
    CONST KKeyDownArrow%=4106
    CONST KKeyLeftArrow%=4103
    CONST KKeyRightArrow%=4104
    CONST KKeyPageUp%=4100
    CONST KKeyPageDown%=4101
    CONST KKeyPageLeft%=4098
    CONST KKeyPageRight%=4099
    REM Month numbers
    CONST KJanuary%=1
    CONST KFebruary%=2
    CONST KMarch%=3
    CONST KApril%=4
    CONST KMay%=5
    CONST KJune%=6
    CONST KJuly%=7
    CONST KAugust%=8
    CONST KSeptember%=9
    CONST KOctober%=10
    CONST KNovember%=11
    CONST KDecember%=12
    REM Graphics
    CONST KDefaultWin%=1
    CONST KgModeSet%=0
    CONST KgModeClear%=1
    CONST KgModeInvert%=2
    CONST KtModeSet%=0
    CONST KtModeClear%=1
    CONST KtModeInvert%=2
    CONST KtModeReplace%=3
    CONST KgStyleNormal%=0
    CONST KgStyleBold%=1
    CONST KgStyleUnder%=2
    CONST KgStyleInverse%=4
    CONST KgStyleDoubleHeight%=8
    CONST KgStyleMonoFont%=16
    CONST KgStyleItalic%=32
    REM For 32-bit status words IOWAIT and IOWAITSTAT32
    REM Use KErrFilePending% (-46) for 16-bit status words
    CONST KStatusPending32&=&80000001
    REM Error codes
    CONST KErrGenFail%=-1
    CONST KErrInvalidArgs%=-2
    CONST KErrOs%=-3
    CONST KErrNotSupported%=-4
    CONST KErrUnderflow%=-5
    CONST KErrOverflow%=-6
    CONST KErrOutOfRange%=-7
    CONST KErrDivideByZero%=-8
    CONST KErrInUse%=-9
    CONST KErrNoMemory%=-10
    CONST KErrNoSegments%=-11
    CONST KErrNoSemaphore%=-12
    CONST KErrNoProcess%=-13
    CONST KErrAlreadyOpen%=-14
    CONST KErrNotOpen%=-15
    CONST KErrImage%=-16
    CONST KErrNoReceiver%=-17
    CONST KErrNoDevices%=-18
    CONST KErrNoFileSystem%=-19
    CONST KErrFailedToStart%=-20
    CONST KErrFontNotLoaded%=-21
    CONST KErrTooWide%=-22
    CONST KErrTooManyItems%=-23
    CONST KErrBatLowSound%=-24
    CONST KErrBatLowFlash%=-25
    CONST KErrExists%=-32
    CONST KErrNotExists%=-33
    CONST KErrWrite%=-34
    CONST KErrRead%=-35
    CONST KErrEof%=-36
    CONST KErrFull%=-37
    CONST KErrName%=-38
    CONST KErrAccess%=-39
    CONST KErrLocked%=-40
    CONST KErrDevNotExist%=-41
    CONST KErrDir%=-42
    CONST KErrRecord%=-43
    CONST KErrReadOnly%=-44
    CONST KErrInvalidIO%=-45
    CONST KErrFilePending%=-46
    CONST KErrVolume%=-47
    CONST KErrIOCancelled%=-48
    REM OPL specific errors
    CONST KErrSyntax%=-77
    CONST KOplStructure%=-85
    CONST KErrIllegal%=-96
    CONST KErrNumArg%=-97
    CONST KErrUndef%=-98
    CONST KErrNoProc%=-99
    CONST KErrNoFld%=-100
    CONST KErrOpen%=-101
    CONST KErrClosed%=-102
    CONST KErrRecSize%=-103
    CONST KErrModLoad%=-104
    CONST KErrMaxLoad%=-105
    CONST KErrNoMod%=-106
    CONST KErrNewVer%=-107
    CONST KErrModNotLoaded%=-108
    CONST KErrBadFileType%=-109
    CONST KErrTypeViol%=-110
    CONST KErrSubs%=-111
    CONST KErrStrTooLong%=-112
    CONST KErrDevOpen%=-113
    CONST KErrEsc%=-114
    CONST KErrMaxDraw%=-117
    CONST KErrDrawNotOpen%=-118
    CONST KErrInvalidWindow%=-119
    CONST KErrScreenDenied%=-120
    CONST KErrOpxNotFound%=-121
    CONST KErrOpxVersion%=-122
    CONST KErrOpxProcNotFound%=-123
    CONST KErrStopInCallback%=-124
    CONST KErrIncompUpdateMode%=-125
    CONST KErrInTransaction%=-126
    CONST KAlertEsc%=1
    CONST KAlertEnter%=2
    CONST KAlertSpace%=3
    CONST KBusyTopLeft%=0
    CONST KBusyBottomLeft%=1
    CONST KBusyTopRight%=2
    CONST KBusyBottomRight%=3
    CONST KBusyMaxText%=80
    REM For CMD$
    CONST KCmdAppName%=1      REM Full path name used to start program
    CONST KCmdUsedFile%=2
    CONST KCmdLetter%=3
    REM For CMD$(3)
    CONST KCmdLetterCreate$="C"
    CONST KCmdLetterOpen$="O"
    CONST KCmdLetterRun$="R"
    CONST KCursorTypeNotFlashing%=2
    CONST KCursorTypeGrey%=4
    REM For DATIM$ - offsets
    CONST KDatimOffDayName%=1
    CONST KDatimOffDay%=5
    CONST KDatimOffMonth%=8
    CONST KDatimOffYear%=12
    CONST KDatimOffHour%=17
    CONST KDatimOffMinute%=20
    CONST KDatimOffSecond%=23
    CONST KDButtonNoLabel%=$100
    CONST KDButtonPlainKey%=$200
    CONST KDButtonDel%=8
    CONST KDButtonTab%=9
    CONST KDButtonEnter%=13
    CONST KDButtonEsc%=27
    CONST KDButtonSpace%=32
    REM For dEDITMULTI and printing
    CONST KParagraphDelimiter%=$06
    CONST KLineBreak%=$07
    CONST KPageBreak%=$08
    CONST KTabCharacter%=$09
    CONST KNonBreakingTab%=$0a
    CONST KNonBreakingHyphen%=$0b
    CONST KPotentialHyphen%=$0c
    CONST KNonBreakingSpace%=$10
    CONST KPictureCharacter%=$0e
    CONST KVisibleSpaceCharacter%=$0f
    CONST KDefWin4ColourMode%=1
    CONST KDefWin16ColourMode%=2
    REM For dFILE
    CONST KDFileNameLen%=255
          REM flags
    CONST KDFileEditBox%=$0001
    CONST KDFileAllowFolders%=$0002
    CONST KDFileFoldersOnly%=$0004
    CONST KDFileEditorDisallowExisting%=$0008
    CONST KDFileEditorQueryExisting%=$0010
    CONST KDFileAllowNullStrings%=$0020
    CONST KDFileAllowWildCards%=$0080
    CONST KDFileSelectorWithRom%=$0100
    CONST KDFileSelectorWithSystem%=$0200
    REM Opl-related Uids for dFILE
    CONST KUidOplInterpreter&=268435575
    CONST KUidOplApp&=268435572
    CONST KUidOplDoc&=268435573
    CONST KUidOPO&=268435571
    CONST KUidOplFile&=268435594
    CONST KUidOpxDll&=268435549
    CONST KDlgCancel%=0
    REM For dINIT (flags for dialogs)
    CONST KDlgButRight%=1
    CONST KDlgNoTitle%=2
    CONST KDlgFillScreen%=4
    CONST KDlgNoDrag%=8
    CONST KDlgDensePack%=16
    REM For DOW
    CONST KMonday%=1
    CONST KTuesday%=2
    CONST KWednesday%=3
    CONST KThursday%=4
    CONST KFriday%=5
    CONST KSaturday%=6
    CONST KSunday%=7
    CONST KDPositionLeft%=-1
    CONST KDPositionCentre%=0
    CONST KDPositionRight%=1
    REM For dTEXT
    CONST KDTextLeft%=0
    CONST KDTextRight%=1
    CONST KDTextCentre%=2
    CONST KDTextBold%=$100                        REM Ignored in Eikon
    CONST KDTextLineBelow%=$200
    CONST KDTextAllowSelection%=$400
    CONST KDTextSeparator%=$800
    REM For dTIME
    CONST KDTimeAbsNoSecs%=0
    CONST KDTimeAbsWithSecs%=1
    CONST KDTimeDurationNoSecs%=2
    CONST KDTimeDurationWithSecs%=3
    REM Flags for dTIME (for ORing combinations)
    CONST KDTimeWithSeconds%=1
    CONST KDTimeDuration%=2
    CONST KDTimeNoHours%=4
    CONST KDTime24Hour%=8
    CONST KDXInputMaxLen%=16
    CONST KFindCaseDependent%=16
    CONST KFindBackwards%=0
    CONST KFindForwards%=1
    CONST KFindBackwardsFromEnd%=2
    CONST KFindForwardsFromStart%=3
    CONST KFlagsAppFileBased%=1
    CONST KFlagsAppIsHidden%=2
    CONST KBordSglShadow%=1
    CONST KBordSglGap%=2
    CONST KBordDblShadow%=3
    CONST KBordDblGap%=4
    CONST KBordGapAllRound%=$100
    CONST KBordRoundCorners%=$200
    CONST KBordLosePixel%=$400
    CONST KButtS3%=0
    CONST KButtS3Raised%=0
    CONST KButtS3Pressed%=1
    CONST KButtS3a%=1
    CONST KButtS3aRaised%=0
    CONST KButtS3aSemiPressed%=1
    CONST KButtS3aSunken%=2
    CONST KButtS5%=2
    CONST KButtS5Raised%=0
    CONST KButtS5SemiPressed%=1
    CONST KButtS5Sunken%=2
    CONST KButtLayoutTextRightPictureLeft%=0
    CONST KButtLayoutTextBottomPictureTop%=1
    CONST KButtLayoutTextTopPictureBottom%=2
    CONST KButtLayoutTextLeftPictureRight%=3
    CONST KButtTextRight%=0
    CONST KButtTextBottom%=1
    CONST KButtTextTop%=2
    CONST KButtTextLeft%=3
    CONST KButtExcessShare%=$00
    CONST KButtExcessToText%=$10
    CONST KButtExcessToPicture%=$20
    REM For gCLOCK
    CONST KgClockS5System%=6
    CONST KgClockS5Analog%=7
    CONST KgClockS5Digital%=8
    CONST KgClockS5LargeAnalog%=9
    CONST KgClockS5Formatted%=11
    CONST KgCreateInvisible%=0
    CONST KgCreateVisible%=1
    CONST KgCreate2ColourMode%=$0000
    CONST KgCreate4ColourMode%=$0001
    CONST KgCreate16ColourMode%=$0002
    CONST KgCreateHasShadow%=$0010
    CONST KGetCmdLetterCreate$="C"
    CONST KGetCmdLetterOpen$="O"
    CONST KGetCmdLetterExit$="X"
    CONST KGetCmdLetterUnknown$="U"
    CONST KgLoadBitReadOnly%=0
    CONST KgLoadBitWriteable%=1
    REM For gRANK
    CONST KgRankForeground%=1
    CONST KgRankBackGround%=32767
    REM For gPOLY - array subscripts
    CONST KgPolyAStartX%=1
    CONST KgPolyAStartY%=2
    CONST KgPolyANumPairs%=3
    CONST KgPolyANumDx1%=4
    CONST KgPolyANumDy1%=5
    CONST KgPrintBRightAligned%=1
    CONST KgPrintBLeftAligned%=2
    CONST KgPrintBCentredAligned%=3
    REM The defaults
    CONST KgPrintBDefAligned%=KgPrintBLeftAligned%
    CONST KgPrintBDefTop%=0
    CONST KgPrintBDefBottom%=0
    CONST KgPrintBDefMargin%=0
    CONST KgXBorderS3Type%=0
    CONST KgXBorderS3aType%=1
    CONST KgXBorderS5Type%=2
    CONST KgXPrintNormal%=0
    CONST KgXPrintInverse%=1
    CONST KgXPrintInverseRound%=2
    CONST KgXPrintThinInverse%=3
    CONST KgXPrintThinInverseRound%=4
    CONST KgXPrintUnderlined%=5
    CONST KgXPrintThinUnderlined%=6
    REM For KMOD
    CONST KKmodShift%=2
    CONST KKmodControl%=4
    CONST KKmodPsion%=8
    CONST KKmodCaps%=16
    CONST KKmodFn%=32
    REM For mCARD and mCASC
    CONST KMenuDimmed%=$1000
    CONST KMenuSymbolOn%=$2000
    CONST KMenuSymbolIndeterminate%=$4000
    CONST KMenuCheckBox%=$0800
    CONST KMenuOptionStart%=$0900
    CONST KMenuOptionMiddle%=$0A00
    CONST KMenuOptionEnd%=$0B00
    REM For mPOPUP position type
    REM Specifies which corner of the popup is given by the coordinates
    CONST KMPopupPosTopLeft%=0
    CONST KMPopupPosTopRight%=1
    CONST KMPopupPosBottomLeft%=2
    CONST KMPopupPosBottomRight%=3
    REM For PARSE$ - array subscripts
    CONST KParseAOffFSys%=1
    CONST KParseAOffDev%=2
    CONST KParseAOffPath%=3
    CONST KParseAOffFilename%=4
    CONST KParseAOffExt%=5
    CONST KParseAOffWild%=6
    REM Wild-card flags
    CONST KParseWildNone%=0
    CONST KParseWildFilename%=1
    CONST KParseWildExt%=2
    CONST KParseWildBoth%=3
    REM For SCREENINFO - array subscripts
    CONST KSInfoALeft%=1
    CONST KSInfoATop%=2
    CONST KSInfoAScrW%=3
    CONST KSInfoAScrH%=4
    CONST KSInfoAReserved1%=5
    CONST KSInfoAFont%=6
    CONST KSInfoAPixW%=7
    CONST KSInfoAPixH%=8
    CONST KSInfoAReserved2%=9
    CONST KSInfoAReserved3%=10
    CONST KRestrictTo64K&=&0001
    CONST KAutoCompact&=&0002
    CONST KTwoDigitExponent&=&0004
    CONST KSendSwitchOnMessage&=&010000
    REM For GetEvent32
    REM Array indexes
    CONST KEvAType%=1
    CONST KEvATime%=2
    REM Event array keypress subscripts
    CONST KEvAKMod%=4
    CONST KEvAKRep%=5
    REM Pointer event array subscripts
    CONST KEvAPtrOplWindowId%=3
    CONST KEvAPtrWindowId%=3
    CONST KEvAPtrType%=4
    CONST KEvAPtrModifiers%=5
    CONST KEvAPtrPositionX%=6
    CONST KEvAPtrPositionY%=7
    CONST KEvAPtrScreenPosX%=8
    CONST KEvAPtrScreenPosY%=9
    REM Event types
    CONST KEvNotKeyMask&=&400
    CONST KEvFocusGained&=&401
    CONST KEvFocusLost&=&402
    CONST KEvSwitchOn&=&403
    CONST KEvCommand&=&404
    CONST KEvDateChanged&=&405
    CONST KEvKeyDown&=&406
    CONST KEvKeyUp&=&407
    CONST KEvPtr&=&408
    CONST KEvPtrEnter&=&409
    CONST KEvPtrExit&=&40A
    REM Pointer event types
    CONST KEvPtrPenDown&=0
    CONST KEvPtrPenUp&=1
    CONST KEvPtrButton1Down&=KEvPtrPenDown&
    CONST KEvPtrButton1Up&=KEvPtrPenUp&
    CONST KEvPtrButton2Down&=2
    CONST KEvPtrButton2Up&=3
    CONST KEvPtrButton3Down&=4
    CONST KEvPtrButton3Up&=5
    CONST KEvPtrDrag&=6
    CONST KEvPtrMove&=7
    CONST KEvPtrButtonRepeat&=8
    CONST KEvPtrSwitchOn&=9
    CONST KKeyMenu%=4150
    CONST KKeySidebarMenu%=10000
    REM For PointerFilter
    CONST KPointerFilterEnterExit%=$1
    CONST KPointerFilterMove%=$2
    CONST KPointerFilterDrag%=$4
    REM Code page 1252 ellipsis ("windows latin 1")
    CONST KScreenEllipsis%=133
    CONST KScreenLineFeed%=10
    REM For gCLOCK
    CONST KClockLocaleConformant%=6
    CONST KClockSystemSetting%=KClockLocaleConformant%
    CONST KClockAnalog%=7
    CONST KClockDigital%=8
    CONST KClockLargeAnalog%=9
    REM GClock 10 no longer supported (use slightly changed gCLOCK 11)
    CONST KClockFormattedDigital%=11
    REM For gFONT (these may change before release)
    CONST KFontArialBold8&=       268435951
    CONST KFontArialBold11&=      268435952
    CONST KFontArialBold13&=      268435953
    CONST KFontArialNormal8&=     268435954
    CONST KFontArialNormal11&=    268435955
    CONST KFontArialNormal13&=    268435956
    CONST KFontArialNormal15&=    268435957
    CONST KFontArialNormal18&=    268435958
    CONST KFontArialNormal22&=    268435959
    CONST KFontArialNormal27&=    268435960
    CONST KFontArialNormal32&=    268435961
    CONST KFontTimesBold8&=       268435962
    CONST KFontTimesBold11&=      268435963
    CONST KFontTimesBold13&=      268435964
    CONST KFontTimesNormal8&=     268435965
    CONST KFontTimesNormal11&=    268435966
    CONST KFontTimesNormal13&=    268435967
    CONST KFontTimesNormal15&=    268435968
    CONST KFontTimesNormal18&=    268435969
    CONST KFontTimesNormal22&=    268435970
    CONST KFontTimesNormal27&=    268435971
    CONST KFontTimesNormal32&=    268435972
    CONST KFontCourierBold8&=      268436062
    CONST KFontCourierBold11&=     268436063
    CONST KFontCourierBold13&=     268436064
    CONST KFontCourierNormal8&=    268436065
    CONST KFontCourierNormal11&=   268436066
    CONST KFontCourierNormal13&=   268436067
    CONST KFontCourierNormal15&=   268436068
    CONST KFontCourierNormal18&=   268436069
    CONST KFontCourierNormal22&=   268436070
    CONST KFontCourierNormal27&=   268436071
    CONST KFontCourierNormal32&=   268436072
    CONST KFontCalc13n&=   268435493
    CONST KFontCalc18n&=   268435494
    CONST KFontCalc24n&=   268435495
    CONST KFontMon18n&=    268435497
    CONST KFontMon18b&=    268435498
    CONST KFontMon9n&=     268435499
    CONST KFontMon9b&=     268435500
    CONST KFontTiny1&=     268435501
    CONST KFontTiny2&=     268435502
    CONST KFontTiny3&=     268435503
    CONST KFontTiny4&=     268435504
    CONST KFontEiksym15&=  268435661
    CONST KFontSquashed&=  268435701
    CONST KFontDigital35&= 268435752
    REM Mode category 1
    CONST KIoOpenModeOpen%=$0000
    CONST KIoOpenModeCreate%=$0001
    CONST KIoOpenModeReplace%=$0002
    CONST KIoOpenModeAppend%=$0003
    CONST KIoOpenModeUnique%=$0004
    REM Mode category 2
    CONST KIoOpenFormatBinary%=$0000
    CONST KIoOpenFormatText%=$0020
    REM Mode category 3
    CONST KIoOpenAccessUpdate%=$0100
    CONST KIoOpenAccessRandom%=$0200
    CONST KIoOpenAccessShare%=$0400
    REM Language code for CAPTION
    CONST KLangEnglish%=1
    CONST KLangFrench%=2
    CONST KLangGerman%=3
    CONST KLangSpanish%=4
    CONST KLangItalian%=5
    CONST KLangSwedish%=6
    CONST KLangDanish%=7
    CONST KLangNorwegian%=8
    CONST KLangFinnish%=9
    CONST KLangAmerican%=10
    CONST KLangSwissFrench%=11
    CONST KLangSwissGerman%=12
    CONST KLangPortuguese%=13
    CONST KLangTurkish%=14
    CONST KLangIcelandic%=15
    CONST KLangRussian%=16
    CONST KLangHungarian%=17
    CONST KLangDutch%=18
    CONST KLangBelgianFlemish%=19
    CONST KLangAustralian%=20
    CONST KLangBelgianFrench%=21
    REM End of Const.oph

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