Hello! Looks like you actually found my Delirious? web page, which with any luck you'll like (at  least try). Anyway, enough from me, let's get on with the page.                                             Trigger                                                          

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24th April

Mezzamorphis tour dates actually uploaded after staring blankly at them for over a month. See here. Listbot mailing list set up for anyone interested (see above)

23rd April 99

New WebBoard, Guestbook and probably non-functional chat page uploaded to the delight and glee of the captive audience. Ahem.

20th April 99

Hit counter added from those lovely people at LinkExchange.

18th April 99

Mezzamorphis hit 25 in the album charts, unfortunately 13 places below its midweek rating, but a great placing for the band nonetheless.

14th April 99


I actually decide to put the site up after about three million years. How nice.

12th April 99

Delirious?'s second album, Mezzamorphis is released on Furious? Records. An amazing album with almost all tracks being jolly fine, it's available from all the usual places if they're any good. Go buy!

The band play some of the new album tracks at HMV Oxford.

21st March 99

See The Star hits Number 16 in the official UK charts, and tops at Number 2 in the Indie charts. Nice.

15th March 99

See The Star is released to the thousands of awaiting fans. (well us anyway)

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