The Ypres Salient was an area of particular intense fighting during the Great War. Every one who visits the cemeteries and memorials to the men who died defending Ypres will be affected in some way, and many of today’s pilgrims (like myself) return to the battlefields of Flanders again and again. A quick look around the parked cars in the Grote Markt, will reveal many British visitors, these visitors are not always people of mature years, but a surprising number of young adults. For the visitor of the Ypres Salient there are many good guides.  

One guide to the Salient (The Ypres Salient, A Guide To The Cemeteries And Memorials Of The Salient), maps out an area which encompasses 171 Commonwealth War Grave Commission cemeteries. These are listed below and include total number of First World War dead (including German), any VC holders and Shoot at Dawn.


Cemetery Name

No. of VC's

No. of Shot at Dawn No. Unnamed Graves Total Number of Dead
Abeele Aerodrome - - 0 104
Aeroplane - 3 637 1096
Artillery Wood - - 506 1286
Bailleul Communal 1 - 10 622
Bailleul Extension - - 181 4502
Bard Cottage - - 0 1639
Bedford House 1 - 2511 5067
Belgium Corner - - 0 579
Berks Cemetery Extension 4 - 0 394
Bertenacre - - 0 110
Bethleem Farm East - - 8 43
Bethleem Farm West - - 2 164
Birr Crossroads 1 - 336 806
Blauweport Farm - - 0 90
Bluet Farm - 3 0 443
Boezinge Churchyard - - 0 1
Brandhoek Military - - 0 672
Brandhoek New Military 1 - 0 559
Brandhoek New Military No. 3 - - 0 966
Bridge House - - 4 45
Buffs Road - - 86 289
Bus House - - 12 204
Butts New Military - - 1673 2128
Cabin Hill - - 0 67
Calvaire - - 0 218
Canada Farm 1 - 0 907
Cemet House - - 2336 3524
Chester Farm - - 0 418
Colne Valley - - 0 47
Croonaert Chapel - - 7 75
Derry House No. 2 - - 0 163
Dickebusch Extension - - 0 548
Dickebusch New - - 0 623
Dickebusch Old - - 0 45
Divisional - - 0 281
Divisional Collecting Post and Extension - - 512 763
Dochy Farm New British - - 958 1437
Dozingham Military - - 0 3239
Dragoon Camp - - 6 66
Dranoutre Church - - 2 79
Dranoutre Military - 1 0 462
Duhallow ADS - 1 0 1563
Elzenwalle Brasserie - - 5 149
Essex Farm 1 - 19 1185
Ferme Oliver - 2 0 410
First DCLI (The Bluff) - - 15 99
Godwaersvelde - - 0 1081
Godezone Farm - - 0 79
Grootebeek - - 1 107
Gunners' Farm - - 0 179
Gwalia - - 0 473
Hagle Dump - 2 142 439
Haringhe (Bandaghem) Military - - 0 810
Hedge Row Trench - - 0 98
Hooge Crater 1 - 3580 5923
Hop Store - - 0 248
Hospital Farm - - 4 116
Huts - 2 0 1100
Hyde Park Corner (Royal Berks) - 1 0 87
Irish House - - 40 120
Kandahar Farm - - 0 446
Kemmel Chateau Military - 2 0 1135
Kemmel Churchyard - - 3 23
Kemmel No. 1 French - - 259 549
Klien Vierstraat - - 0 803
La Belle Alliance - - 10 60
La Brique Military No. 1 - - 4 90
La Brique Military No. 2 1 - 387 847
La Clytte - 1 190 892
La Creche - - 0 3
La Laterie - - 0 751
La Plus Douve - - 0 254
Lancaster Cottage - - 5 254
Larch Wood - - 321 769
Le Touquet Railway - - 21 71
Ledgem - - 14 65
Lijssenthoek Military 1 1 0 10802
Lindenhoek Chalet Military - - 67 317
Locre Churchyard - 3 2 215
Locre Hospice - 2 12 245
Locre No. 10 - - 14 205
London Rifle Brigade - - 1 353
Lone Tree - - 0 88
Maple Copse - - 52 256
Maple Leaf - 1 0 176
Mendinghem - 3 0 2448
Memin Road South 1 - 121 1580
Messines Ridge British - - 954 1491
Meteren - - 181 826
Minty Farm - - 4 189
Mont Noir - - 15 231
Motor Car Corner - - 0 132
Mud Corner - - 0 85
New Irish Farm - - 3267 4638
Nieppe Communial - - 0 62
Niewkerke Church - - 1 97
NIne Elms - 2 0 1593
No Mans Cot - - 0 79
Oak Dump - - 5 111
Oosttaverne Wood - - 783 1144
Oxford Street 1 - 254 596
Packhorse Farm Shrine - - 0 59
Passchendaele New British - - 1602 2091
Perth (China Wall) 1 8 1368 2655
Ploegstreet Church - - 0 9
Ploegstreet Wood Military - - 0 165
Poelcapelle British - - 6231 7443
Polygon Wood - - 17 101
Pond Farm - - 4 298
Pont d'Achelles - 1 0 336
Pont de Nieppe - - 11 135
Poperinge Communal - - 1 28
Poperinge New - 17 24 953
Poperigne Old - - 0 446
Potijze Burial Ground - - 21 586
Potijze Grounds - - 111 466
Potijze Lawn - - 29 229
Potijze Wood - - 6 151
Prowse Point - - 0 227
RE Farm - - 11 179
RE Grave Railway Wood - - 0 12
Railway Chateau - - 6 105
Railway Dugouts Burial Ground 1 - 430 2390
Ramparts (Lille Gate) - - 5 188
Ration Farm (La Plus Douve) Annexe - - 1 202
Red Farm Military - - 17 49
Renningelst Church - - 0 58
Renningelst Military - 3 0 800
Ridge Wood Military - - 5 621
Rifle House - - 0 230
Ruisseau Farm - - 6 82
Sanctuary Wood - - 1353 1989
Seaforth - - 21 148
Solferino Farm - - 0 299
Somer Farm - - 0 84
Spanbroaekmolen British - - 0 58
Spoilbank - - 125 509
St. Julien Dresssing Station - - 180 418
St. Quentin Caberet - - 0 465
Strand Military - - 356 1134
Suffolf - - 8 47
Talana Farm - - 14 529
Tancrez Farm - - 6 334
Toronto Farm - - 0 78
Torreken Farm - - 0 104
Track 'X' - - 12 131
Trois Arbres - 4 435 1694
Tuileries Britsih - - 16 37
Tyne Cot 6 8366 11976
Underhill Farm - - 0 189
Vlamertinghe Military 1 2 0 1178
Vlamertinghe New Military 1 1 0 1820
Voormezelle Enclosures No. 3 - - 612 1593
Voormezelle Enclosures No. 1 and No. 2 - - 43 579
Watou Churchyard - - 0 12
Welsh (Caesar's Nose) - - 6 68
Westhof Farm - - 0 130
Westoutre Church - - 52 168
Westoutre Military 1 - 1 99
White House 1 4 325 1119
Wieltje Farm - - 10 116
Woods 1 1 0 358
Wulverghem - Lindenhoek Road Military - - 353 1002
Wulverghem Church - - 1 38
Wytschaete Military - - 673 978
Ypres Extension - - 137 494
Ypres Reservoir 1 3 1035 2602
Ypres Town - - 0 192
Zantvoorde British 2 - 1135 1550
Zillebeke - - 0 32


War Graves and Memorials in the CWGC in Belgium.

Commonwealth war burials Other nationalities

Burial grounds

Commonwealth war dead on memorials

Total commonwealth war dead

Identified Un-identified
102,381 47,563 2,546 623 102,429 204,810

What the above table also shows to us, is that of the 102,429 men commemorated on memorials to the missing in Belgium, only 47,563 have graves. Therefore 54,866 bodies simply vanished into the mud of Belgium. 

A few CWGC cemeteries are still open to receive new burials of remains found today - therefore these number is not accurate.

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