Dean, 33, is a licencing officer for the Civil Aviation Authority. He spends most of his spare time frequenting bars, pubs and the like, surfing the Internet and indulging his other passion - football.

He has been into fandom since the days of Doctor Who and has managed to work his way through all the incarnations of Star Trek, aswell as Blakes 7 and Babylon 5. Having been a fan of the British 'Robin of Sherwood' series swords and gods were high on his agenda for a good television show. However it wasn't until spending an afternoon in a pub with two Xena fans telling him how great the show was that he decided to give it a try and what do you know, he loved it. (And there's some Hercules thrown in for good measure.)

What does Dean bring to By The Gods? Aside from being the one behind the microphone presenting these evenings to you, Dean is in charge of the technical side of things such as maintaining the web-site, handling ticket orders.

Although Dean and Myk make joint decisions over the evenings it is Dean who decides how everything will fit together on the night. (Well someone has to do it.)

First episodes watched:
Hercules - Warrior Princess
Xena - Dreamworker

Favourite episodes:
Hercules - Love Takes A Holiday
Xena - Destiny and A Good Day

Favourite characters:
Hercules - Aphrodite (see above episode choice.)
Xena - Xena and Ceaser (see above episode choices.)

Favourite quote:
'The best you can come up with was that it was a good day of fighting.' (Xena - A Good Day.)