Story by Nemesis Girl, based on Characters from ‘Xena Warrior Princess’. Copyright KJ1998

Xena,Callisto,Ares,HadesGabrielle,Joxer,Seraphin,Hope,Dayhak and anyone you recognise are copyright of Renaissance and Universal, anyone else is from my warped imagination.,and belongs to me me me!!

This is my attempt at keeping Callisto alive and well, a desperate and vain attempt although you never know who might read this!!!

1st part of the Callisto trilogy


Chapter One

The lava burned hard on Xena’s face, but she could not look up. Her blue eyes now rimmed with red, her tears turning to steam as they fell into the pit. She whispered Gabrielle's name in the vain attempt at an answer, but it was a harsh whisper as her voice was choked by emotion.

In the background Joxer stood looking between Callisto's corpse and Xena's shattered form. He also noticed Seraphin's lifeless body, with her hand stretching out to the pit, Hope must have taken Seraphin’s life with her as she fell, but he didn't wish to say anything about that to Xena.

He moved over to where Xena was and placed his hand on her shoulder, she looked up at him, a look of despair on her face, knowing for the first time there was nothing she could do. Joxer understood this and helped Xena stand up, for her great strength failed her and would not let her get herself up. They began to walk out of the temple, momentarily pausing over Callisto. Joxer looked down,

" I hope she finds peace" his tone wearied as if he had seen enough death.

Xena carried on out of the temple ignoring his comment; she didn't give a damn about Callisto, the pain being too much.

" Hey Xena wait for me" Joxer cried, He began to run after her and then noticed Gabrielle's staff. He picked it up and held it to his chest. He never really got to tell her how he felt about her, and he sighed sadly to himself. Picking himself up, he carried on out of the temple to meet with Xena who was looking at the setting sun, lost deep in thought.

"Xena, let me come with you, you shouldn’t be on your own"

Xena looked at him, her blue eyes drained of all energy.

" Your right, thanks, we'll set up camp over by those trees, I don't want to go too far tonight"

Joxer nodded and told her he'd look for firewood, she agreed and turned to look after Argo and the other horses. As she took the saddle of Argo she noticed on the other horse a bag, Gabrielle's bag, her thoughts suddenly drifted back to that horrifying moment she had been fighting so desperately to hold back and she collapsed to the ground, sobbing.

Gently a woman’s hand touched her shoulder, its skin covered in soot. She moved as if to help Xena up.

"Life's a bitch, we should have both known that" Came a melancholic voice,

Xena recognised that voice and she rolled across the ground, drawing her sword and turned to face a rather strange looking Callisto!

Xena horrified, shouted at her,

"I stabbed you, you died!"

Callisto smiled sadly and nodded, looking down at her soot-covered body and frazzled hair.

"How was I to know that when a god dies they don't get oblivion… oh no no no, they get something worse, as a punishment for losing the gift of godhood. Yes Xena, hinds blood kills a god, but I was mortal first, so, here I am"

" Then I’ll finish the job" Xena screamed as she ran at Callisto, who quickly dodged out of her way.

" Wait , don’t do that, if you kill me I’ll go straight to Tartarus, I don't want that, I just want to chat!"

"Tough luck" Xena went for another sweep, but Callisto back flipped out of her way, she turned, a pleading look on her face.

" You never gave me a chance to finish what I had to say in that temple Xena, I wanted to live, for in that moment I kinda saw why you do what you do and I wanted it too."

Xena was dumbfounded at this, and lowered her sword. Could this be for real? Her nemesis finally stopping the cycle of hate. She walked up to Callisto who promptly sat down on a log.

" What are you saying" Xena asked, as she looked down at her.

" When I saw Gabrielle fall into that pit to save you, I finally understood why she had been trying to figure me out all these years. No matter what I did, she saw me as how you once were, I guess she thought if she could make me understand this I could change. I was about to tell you this when you stabbed me"

"You were laughing, the way you said you finally understood and wanted to live, I thought you were mocking her death"

" Your rage took over Xena. But when you did stab me, I still tried to say thankyou for peace, but I guess a god dies quickly."

"But you’re here, what happened?"

"As I fell to the ground, all I could feel was emptiness coming over me, and for a moment I felt peace. But it didn't last as suddenly I felt myself falling and I hit the floor of a great cavern. I looked around, but it was too dark. I screamed out if anyone was there, and a voice boomed back to me 'there's no oblivion for you, little goddess' and out of the dark came a great man. He called himself Kronos, and I realised wear I was, in the pit of the Titans. Suddenly chains bound me to a great rock and Kronos came over to me. I struggled but it was no use. He grabbed my head and looked into my eyes. ' Callisto, I gave the gift of godhood to all the gods, and created Ambrosia for the likes of you to obtain it, but you let your self be killed, even with all those powers. For that, you are here and your godly powers will be turned against you as punishment'. That's how come you see me with short frazzled hair and covered in soot, I may have been dead, but, you can still burn a spirit Xena."

Callisto looked at her body, and especially at her many scars that had now appeared on her.

"He then told me that because I was mortal before I would be sent back, but my body would show the scars of my life, and my godly punishment"

Xena looked at Callisto's scarred body and smirked.

"well at least gods get their just deserts if they die. Xena paused and then she looked back at Callisto

"what do you want know?"

"Well there's the thousand Dinar question. I want my dreams to stop, I want my life back, I want what you have. Call it redemption, call it sanity, I don't care....... it'll be fun, look my soul is empty, my heart left me long ago. I need to fill my time with something.... I thought Hope could do that... ooh was I wrong."

Callisto shook her head madly, as Xena looked on, never taking her eyes off Callisto

"You’ve lost somebody..., I need ...somebody. What do you say?.. You know we've always had a chemistry, even when I was trying to kill you, I flirted!"

"You'll never replace Gabrielle!" Xena snorted " she died in that place, because you protected Hope!" At that Xena stood up and walked back to Argo, Callisto jumped up after her and stood by her side.

" Hey maybe you could talk to Hades, if I were still a god I’d give the annoying blond back to you. But I can’t so maybe… sinister god can."

Xena knew she meant Hades, but why would she call him that?

"He’s not that bad, once you get to know him, it's just his image..."

Xena thought on the sincerity of Callisto words. She thought of all the things that had happened, why now. Was it right? Should she just rid the world of the deranged woman in front of her.... No...she created Callisto, made her what she is, anyway, she herself was crazed once, as Callisto said. If she could redeem Callisto, maybe she could finally redeem herself. She decided to let Callisto come with her.

"We're setting up camp over there, you can come, but I’ll be watching your every move"

" I wouldn't want it any other way" Callisto grinned, she ran over to a tethered horse and began to lead it to the trees. Xena followed behind with Argo.

As they reached the trees out from behind a bush sprang Joxer, who rushed at Callisto, but instead met Xena head on. He crashed into her and fell down. Callisto looked down at Joxer then up at Xena.

"he's always such a brave fool, you know I could have killed him... before."

" I know that’s why I stopped him"

Xena helped a now confused Joxer up, who couldn’t stop looking at the new Callisto. He looked at Xena, then back at Callisto,

"What…what’s going on. How come Callisto's not dead, why is she with you, and why does she look like peppered steak?"

" Hello Joxer" laughed Callisto " I’m fine thanks, how are you?!"

" Joxer, Callisto's travelling with us, she's mortal, and... she want’s to change.. don't you Callisto?"

"Well that about sums it up, listen Joxer, I’ll tell you what I told Xena, Because that furrowed brow of yours will give you wrinkles, and that would spoil your handsome face!"

Callisto led Joxer to a fallen tree and proceeded to tell him about why she's with them. Xena watched from a distance, she looked at Joxer's changing expressions and thought they were probably very similar to hers while she was being told. Suddenly Joxer got up and went over to Xena, a look a confusion on his face.

" I can't believe you're replacing Gabrielle with her!.. I'm sorry Xena but I can't travel with you if she's with you. I've got to go and tell her family that their daughters gone, I thought we'd both do that, but now you've got your new little friend!"

the sparks of hate that came from Joxer's mouth shocked Xena, how could he think that! Xena jumped up and she grabbed Joxer by the throat.

" Don't you dare think I’m replacing Gabrielle with Callisto, don't you dare! I need to help her, can't you see that, if I can redeem her, it will help me, Gabrielle's death will not have been in vain, and it was she that made Callisto see the truth.... If you can't handle that, then may be you should go."

Xena let go of Joxer, who fell to the ground coughing. He looked at Callisto, expecting her to be laughing, but instead she just looked at him, a concerned expression sitting on her scarred features. Joxer looked up at Xena, who had tears of anger welling in her eyes.

" I'm sorry Xena, I know how much you loved Gabrielle,.....I did too... I know your right, but it hurts, it hurts so much. He got up and went over to a bush and pulled out Gabby's staff.

" I was going to give it to you, but when I saw you with Callisto I didn't know what to do, so I hid it. I think it needs to be taken back to her family, they need to know."

" I can't go there yet, I need to send message to Ephiny that they have lost their queen...., and I need to do what ever it takes to help Callisto, you must understand."

"I understand that you'll have to come to terms with Gabrielle's death Xena, you'll have to mourn her sometime."

"I'll do that in my own way Joxer, don't worry"

Joxer nodded, and carrying Gabby's staff headed off into the night. Xena turned her attention to Callisto, who was pulling out the blanket sitting under her horse's saddle, to use to lie on. Xena grabbed out of one of Argo's saddlebags a clean blanket and handed it to Callisto.

" Here take this, it's a lot warmer than that old rag"

" Thanks, I suppose I’ll have to get used to sleeping...badly, again."

Callisto settled down and almost immediately was asleep. Xena lied down on the other side of the fire, and huddled into her blanket. She watched Callisto sleep for what seemed like hours, before finally succumbing to sleep herself. Suddenly she was awoken by a terrible scream, she grabbed her sword and looked towards Callisto, who was still asleep, but twisting and turning as if in some terrible nightmare. Finally she woke up, sweat pouring off her face. She looked at Xena with a mixture of hatred and sadness, tears poured from her eyes. Xena opened her mouth as if to ask Callisto a question but Callisto stopped her by saying 'you don't want to know'. She turned over, away from Xena's gaze, and tried to go back to sleep. Xena was concerned, but she was so exausted that she had to try and do the same, but she could not take her mind of the image of Callisto's face as she looked at her. She knew she would not sleep again that night, so instead she got up and walked over to a nearby glade. She stood there for hours until she finally saw the sun raise it's crown over the horizon. Her thoughts drifted to the time when she saw Gabrielle looking into the setting sun, her thoughts thinking of Perdicus and how she loved him, and a that point Xena knew it was time to mourn Gabrielle in her own way.

Callisto’s eyes opened as her mind became adjusted to the sound she could hear. A song more beautiful and sad than any siren, drifted through the trees and Callisto could see Xena in the distance, singing to the rising sun. She pondered on how she could ever mourn what she had lost, but before she had time to think about that, Xena returned from the woods. She looked at her former torment with bleary eyes, and thought about telling Xena all about her dreams in graphic detail. how she was stuck as a child in her mind, how all she ever heard were her parents screaming and that she even saw death waiting to take their souls to Hades. But she thought better of it. She could tell her time and time again, but it wouldn't make any difference, not now. So she slowly got up, and cleared away her things onto her horse's saddle bags.

"So where do we go now, Xena?" she finally said,

" We leave here, I need to send message to the Amazon nation, I can do that in the near village, there's always a scout there"

"Why don't you go to them your self?" Callisto asked.

"Last time I was there I didn't make my self very popular and anyway, even though you got rid of Valaska, I don't think they'd want to see you either, you did try to kill Ephiny’s child after all"

"it wasn't that hard with Valaska, actually I didn't really do anything, just made her incredibly frustrated!"

Xena looked at her with disdain and walked away from Callisto and towards Argo, picking up her things as she went. She packed her things, being careful not to damage anything in Gabrielle's bag, which was tied to Argo's saddle.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes of course. Do you know this is the first time I’ve felt hungry in months, ah well some things you miss... some things you don't". Callisto got onto her horse and started out of the glade, turning round to check that Xena was following, which she did though hesitantly. Callisto laughed, noticing the reluctance Xena felt at travelling with her.

" You know I wont bite Xena, not hard anyway."

"Just keep heading south, you'll get food soon enough."

As they reached the village, Xena noticed plumes of smoke coming from nearby homes, as did Callisto. They saw soldiers running about the village striking down anybody that stood in their way. Xena pulled out her sword and turned to Callisto

"This is your test, Get it right or I’ll send you straight to Hades!"

Callisto grinned and galloped her horse down into the village, screaming her war cry as she pulled out her sword. Xena quickly followed behind, uttering her distinctive cry. Callisto charged into the soldiers knocking them left and right, she jumped off the horse, and immediately drove her sword into one of the fallen soldiers. Xena noticed Callisto's method was as brutal as ever, but at least she's wasn’t killing the villagers. Xena dodged a spear thrown at her, and she returned by throwing her Chackram at her would be assailer. It ricoched off the wall, but before she could catch it, Callisto grabbed it and threw it at a soldier about to throw a torch into a house filled with women and children. It sliced into his throat and span back to Xena.

"Hope you don’t mind!" Callisto called as she span back into the fight. A shudder ran down Xena’s back, She always knew Callisto could use her chackram, she just didn’t realise how good she was with it.

The now panicked soldiers, one by one dropped down dead or ran away screaming, but one who recognised Callisto actually ran up to her and dropped his sword at her feet.

"My queen, I serve you now"

Callisto smiled and picked up his sword.

"Hmmm, no I think you'll serve no one," She said as she decapitated him with his own sword. Xena grimaced at how brutal but efficient Callisto was. Suddenly her attention was caught by a familiar noise. She looked over her shoulder, her eye caught by a girl with blond hair who ran past her.

"Gabrielle!" She cried, then she realised to her pain that it's wasn’t her. The girl looked at Xena and smiled as she darted past. Xena sighed, it's going to take a long time before she stopped seeing Gabrielle with her in a fight.

"It wasn’t her, she's dead remember" Callisto panted as she reached Xena

"Thanks for reminding me, like I’ll forget" she retorted

Callisto looked around at the carnage in front of her

"Well that was fun, but what do we do now?"

" We help, test two"

"I guess little Gabrielle did that bit best"

" She taught me a lot, more than you'll ever know"

" I'll bet"

Xena snorted and looked around the village. She could see an old woman, who had been knocked down and had a gash on her forehead. She directed Callisto to help her, but Callisto looked dumbfounded at the very thought.

"If any of my soldiers were injured badly, I’d put them out of their misery"

" Well you don't here"

"Just an idea"

Xena handed Callisto a bundle of bandages and some ointment, and went over to the old woman, who backed away scared.

" It's alright old woman, we're here to help"

"It's not you I’m afraid of, It's her" the old woman pointed at Callisto.

"If you don't want me to help you old crone, then I wont"

Callisto turned to go, but Xena pulled her back.

" Old woman, she will not harm you either, she's here to help, aren't you?"

"Yes if someone will let go of my arm" Callisto tugged free of Xena's grasp and bended down to the woman. Xena showed her how to dress a wound on the woman’s arm and let Callisto look after the rest, which she did, but lets say, without the delicate touch. Xena grimaced and went over to tend to a concused villager. As she looked back, she saw that Callisto and the old woman were chatting quite happily. Xena suprised and confused at that slowly went back to tending the poor villager, who she had just dropped!

Xena finished tending to the last person she found as Callisto walked over to her.

"I’ve checked every one I can see, I think that's the last of them. Some of them actually ran away from me, can't think why! No gratitude. Well I'm starving, where can we get something to eat?"

Before Xena could answer, a young boy clasped Callisto's hand. She jerked it away, shocked.

"Please, if your hungry, will you eat in my fathers tavern. You saved it from the nasty soldier who was going to burn it down."

He grabbed Callisto's hand again and pulled her with him. This time she did not pull away, but merely walked with him, a bemused look on her face. Xena followed on concerned, she'd seen this kind of trick before where the villagers would lull them into a false sense of security, then force them to leave without even a thank you. Xena knew that most times their were just afraid of any warrior with a sword and it didn’t matter who they were, but Callisto might take it the wrong way, see it as an insult and in her state of mind, she didn’t know what Callisto might do.

As they walked into the tavern a burly man strode up to them, brandishing a skewer.

"Hello, my name is Minyus and I own this place. I want to thank you for all you've done. I've set aside a table for both of you and I’ve just roasted a suckling hog which I hope you'll have some of."

"Thanks, your very kind" Xena replied, but Callisto rushed over to the table, grabbed a loaf of bread and began gorging it down. Xena looked at the tavern keeper who couldn’t quite believe such a scrawny woman could eat so fast.

"Fighting gives her an appetite, she tends to put all her energy into it, then comes away ravenous"

"Oh don't worry, you can both have as much as you want, if it wasn't for your hungry friend over their I wouldn't have tavern, my son told me what she did and I don't care what others may say, she's alright by me"

Xena thanked the man again and joined Callisto at the table. Callisto looked up at her companion, her face covered in crumbs.

" I Haven’t eaten so well since a I was last mortal and even then it didn't taste this good. My mother used to cook suckling for us when ever she could..."

Callisto drifted off in thought as Xena watched her, she knew exactly what she was thinking about and it saddened her. Callisto slowly looked up at Xena, her eyes were misty with tears.

"That old crone I looked after, she was the age my mother would have been if..."

"If I hadn't killed her"

"Yes" Callisto looked down and grinned,

"Can’t let that get to me now, been there, done that"

"You did well today, I must admit I’m suprised"

Callisto laughed, suddenly snapping back to he present.

"I noticed, you always had one eye on me, ready to throw your dagger and send me back to Tartarus. Don't worry Xena, I’m amused at what you do and so far I’m not bored with it and if I get food like this all the time I can't see a down side!"

Xena smiled uncomfortably, and went back to eating her meal. Callisto looked around the tavern noticing a decidedly large gap surrounding their table.

"I must have a negative aura hmmm?" Xena looked up and smiled.

"I think they're a little confused, they recognise both of us and I don't think they can quite understand how arch enemies are suddenly having a meal together and not trying to kill each other"

"Oooh I’m past all that, so it must be love Xena! Do you know though, they're is only one thing I miss. If I were still a god, I’d love to try my hand at Ares again, roast him a little!"

"I'd keep out of his way now, let me deal with him" Xena replied

"You always do have a way with him, I could never understand that. Anyway I don't think we'll be seeing much of him for a while. I mean how is he going to explain the Dahak servant thing to the other gods?!"

Callisto and Xena burst out laughing together. For the first time they shared a common joke. Xena looked at Callisto, hoping that she was now in a good mood, because she'd been wanting to ask her something all day long. Her tone became solemn as she caught Callisto's eye.

"Callisto I’ve been wanting to ask you something since last night, since you woke up in that terrible state"

Callisto leant forward, which made Xena uncomfortable, but she still carried on.

"What... what do you dream?"

Callisto smiled and tilted her head to one side; she studied Xena for a moment and then replied.

"Can't you remember, The very first day I met you, I told you what I dream. I dream every night of my parents screams coming from that burning barn"

"That’s what I thought"

"What are you getting at" Callisto leant even further towards Xena, who could nearly feel Callisto's breath on her face.

"You say parents, but you've also mentioned once about a sister?"

"Erisa, yes. I lost sight of her as I ran away, she was running to the barn. I never saw her after that.

"So you think she died in that barn too?"

"Of course, most of the village did, thanks to your army!"

Xena backed away, pangs of guilt running through her veins, she never could hope to leave that behind.

"I can't say how many times I’m sorry, it wouldn’t help"

"No it wouldn't!"

Suddenly Callisto pushed the table over, knocking everything to the floor. Villagers that had been keeping an eye on her scattered hither and thither. Xena rolled back just missing the missiles of food that were heading in her direction, and watched as Callisto stormed out of the building. Xena jumped up and dashed out after her, sword drawn and expecting to see the worst. But instead she found Callisto screaming and hitting the hell out of a vending stall. Xena ran over to her and Callisto span round, a wild glare emanating from her chestnut eyes.

"Hate is such a hard emotion to give up. It's all I had, and it was all for you!"

Xena drew back ready to defend herself, but Callisto simply screamed and ran off in the opposite direction. For a moment Xena just stood there visibly shaken, then she heard a moan coming from all the produce that was tipped from the vending stall. She went over and saw the vendor with a bruise on his chin. Bending down she took hold of his arm.

"Did she hurt you?"

"She came running up to me, I stood in her way and she said' do you want it to be you or your cart? I tried to get out of her way as fast as I could, but I guess it wasn't fast enough and she pushed me to one side. I hit my head on a jug and passed out..."

Xena got the vendor up and helped him gather his things. She looked around the village for the amazon scout, but there was no sign. ’I guess I will have to pay a visit’ she thought, but first there were more pressing matters. She decided that it was time to leave this village before anything else happened, and she gathered the horses from the barn and headed for the woods that Callisto ran into. She wondered where Callisto might go and prayed that she wouldn’t do anything Xena would regret. She looked up at the sky and noticed night was closing in fast and decided it would be a good idea to set up camp. She decided on a small clearing next to a stream. As she bedded down a cold shiver ran down her spine and she felt alone for the first time in ages, she hadn’t really had time to comprehend the loneliness without Gabby, not with Callisto being around. She looked at Argo and saw Gabrielle's bag, she went to it and pulled out one of the scrolls, 'I’ve never really read any of her work' she thought to herself as she sat down by the fire she'd lit. As she sat there reading the scroll entitled 'The Scroll of The Quest', she thought back to the time when Gabrielle was writing it and tears welled in her eyes. 'I’d try anything to get you back Gabrielle' she thought as she lay down and drifted into a sudden sleep.








































Chapter two

Xena's eyes opened and her mind began to adjust to her surroundings. She pulled back her blanket and stood up. Looking around she realised she must be dreaming as in front of her was a courtyard she knew wasn't there when she fell asleep! She decided to walk over to a stone bench and sat down, which as she did smoke started to appear around her and out of it walked a figure. Xena stared hard and as the air cleared she realised who it was...Hades. He smiled as he walked towards her.

"Hello Xena. I've been watching recent events, you've got quite a project going there" He walked around and stood behind her. Xena turned to face him.

"Why are you here, and why have you brought me here?"

"I find visiting people in their dreams much more beneficial for me and it saved me waking you up. I've brought you to this particular place because I want to ask you a favour. You know how much I hate some of the things Ares does and recently he has overstepped the mark. I want to thank you personally for messing up his plans"

"What are you saying?"

Hades walked over to two archways in the courtyard wall and stood between them.

"Only I truly have the right to return life and I want to give one back to you, if you can do something for me"

Xena's heart leapt into her mouth at the very words Hades said, could it be that he was listening to her thoughts?

"What do you want me to do?"

"I've been trying to reach Callisto for some time now, offer her a solution to own problems and mine, because I don't want to deal with her when she eventually dies...again. I've been trying to reach her in her dreams, but she keeps running away from me. I need your help"

"Hades, are you suprised that she runs away from you in her dreams she is reliving her childhood trauma in there and you are death after all. I know you’re a nice guy, she doesn’t."

Hades looked down and nodded, he never would be able to shake the image.

"I didn’t think of that… But I want to offer her the chance to not go to Tartarus when she finally dies. I can’t offer her The Elisian Fields, her crimes are too great and she’s too far gone"

Xena’s thoughts travelled to her own dark past, what would Hades offer her when her time came?

So what can you offer Callisto?" she asked

" I can give her oblivion and the chance to see her parents one more time if they wish it"

"So, as I said, what do you want me to do?"

"I’m going to appear to her, I want you to make sure she doesn’t run. I will tell her what I can offer and I want you to make sure she accepts"

Xena smiled to her self, that should be interesting to try, then she remembered the deal Hades offered her.

"Ill try Hades, but what about your side of the deal?

"If you can get her to redeem herself, you can choose between two people you’ve lost recently, and I’ll give you one back"

Suddenly blinding light emanated from the two archways and figures emerged from them. Xena squinting realised who they were, Gabrielle and Solan. Xena snapped back to Hades.

"This is a choice! How can I choose between my dearest friend and my son?"

Hades walked towards her, but stopped as he noticed Xena’s expression of anger.

"Look its all I can offer, I’m restricted too you know too. You can only choose one."

Xena looked back at Gabrielle and Solan. They stood motionless in front of the archways as if under a spell. Xena began to wonder how she’d ever decide.

"Can I talk to them, are they really here?"

"Yes they are here but we are in the realm of dreams so I must beckon them in only one at a time, so pick which one you’d like to talk to first"

"Solan" Xena finally said. Solan awoke from what seemed like sleep and walked over to Xena. He sat down next to her and clasped her hand. Tears began to well in Xena’s eyes as she looked at him. Solan smiled at her.

"Hello mother"

The tears that had clung so desperately to her eyes fell now in floods. This was only the second time she had ever heard him call her mother and she wasn’t even sure about the first!

"Solan do you know why I am here?" she asked choking back her emotion.

"Yes I do"

" How can I choose between you and Gabrielle? I love you both equally but I never got the chance to really know you, this may be my chance. But Gabrielle sacrificed her life for me and I have the chance to give it back to her. What do I do?"

Xena collapsed into her sons arms sobbing uncontrollably; it was Solan who lifted her back up. He looked at her and she noticed maturity never before seen in him.

"Mother, please don’t cry. I can choose for you. I’m at peace here if that helps. I may have been young when I died but I had a fuller life than most and I’m with both my fathers now. I’m catching up on time with them, and I know you’ll never be happy without Gabrielle and speaking to people who love her down here, they know she wont be happy without you. She’s told me so much about you, I don’t think she actually stopped talking."

"Are you saying…"

"Let me stay, we’ll be together one day but now, you and Gabrielle have so much to do"

Solan kissed Xena on her cheek and got up. He walked back to the archway, passing Hades as he went who had a knowing smile on his face. He beckoned Gabrielle over. She awoke and ran over to Xena. Xena hugged Gabrielle, she couldn’t believe she was really there in front of her. Gabrielle let go and sat down next to Xena, a sound of laughter and tears came from her.

"I thought I’d never see you again, well not for a long time anyhow. I’ve missed you Xena there’s not a lot you can write about down here."

"Gabrielle, I’m here to choose, but I think it’s already been made for me by my son. Do you know what I have to do to bring you back?"

"Save Callisto, I know. I’d always hoped there was a spark of humanity left in her"

"She was never there to replace you"

"I know that. You had to try and help her, and you couldn’t do that if she wasn’t around you!"

Xena looked down, overcome by emotion, but Gabrielle lifted her head up with her finger and smiled. She leant over and kissed Xena on the lips, then got up.

"Xena you have to return now, but you must tell Hades who you want before it can happen"

Xena looked up at Gabrielle and for a second the image of Hope flashed in her mind.

"Gabrielle, can you tell me…,what happened to Hope?"

"I saw her being enveloped by wings of fire as we fell into the pit. I guess Dahak must have taken her back to him. I don’t know much after that , just waking up here." She smiled and got up, waving to Xena as she walked away.

Xena stood up and watched Gabrielle pass back into the light. She went over to Hades and grabbed his arm.

"I CHOOSE GABRIELLE HADES! I’ll do what you ask then it’s your turn". She let go of his arm and took a step back; Hades looked at her defiant stance and grinned.

"You will know when I will appear, dark clouds, lightning etc... It will be soon, I just wish I could appear some other way but it comes with the job, same as the image."

"Believe me, you wouldn’t look good in pink" Xena replied as Hades and everything else began to vanish from her vision until it all went black and soon she was sleeping peacefully again.

In the clearing, Xena lay with her back to the stream and standing not far away was a figure watching her sleep. As the moon appeared from behind the clouds it became clear that it was Callisto watching Xena.

"I wish I could sleep as peacefully as you Xena. I never dreamt as a god, I miss that" She whispered. She walked over to the other side of the campfire and lay down, Xena opened one eye and smiled to herself before she drifted back to sleep.

It was Callisto that awoke first as it was still dark, surprised that she actually felt refreshed. She called over to Xena who though appeared to be waking for the first time had actually been awake for hours. Callisto looked a little sheepish as she smiled at Xena.

"I didn’t know where to go. I’ve been wandering for hours, playing in my head various ideas, whether to kill my self, kill you or carry on. I decided the first two were no go so here I am again."

"I’m glad you came back. I may be able to help. You told me of your dreams…nightmares, well I may have a solution"

"Only oblivion will solve that and I don’t know how to get it"

Xena looked up at the sky as it began to cloud over, and all of a sudden it became very dark. Thunder could be heard in the distance and Callisto started shifting on her feet uncomfortably. A bolt of lightning flashed through the trees and as it became dark again a figure walked out from behind Callisto.

"Hello Hades" Xena called. Callisto immediately began to move away but Xena grabbed hold of her.. Callisto struggled like a terrified cat in Xena’s arms but she had to tight a grip. Callisto glared at Hades.

"Keep away from me, I’m not going there, I’m not."

"You don’t have to. I’ve been trying to tell you. Al beit the wrong way"

He looked at Xena, who had a despondent expression on her face.

"Anyway I have an offer. If you can change your ways, if and when you die I can offer you the chance to see your parents once, then I’ll give you the oblivion that you want."

Callisto looked at Hades, stunned, then she smiled, a half-crazed smile. Thinking of her wish coming true. Her face though turned from joy to confusion

"Can I not see my sister?"

"I have no record of ….a sister" Hades stuttered, "what’s her name?"


Hades disappeared suddenly calling to some unknown lackey, then reappeared just as fast with a pile of scrolls.

"No I have no record of an Erisa ever dying"

Callisto fell to the ground in a crumpled heap, her dead weight being to much for Xena, she bent to her and held Callisto who was shaking uncontrollably, tears flooding from her eyes.

"My sister… she’s alive! I never knew never thought… I blamed you, I….I…"

Xena looked at Hades pleadingly

"I need your help Hades, Find where Erisa is . This may be what we need to help Callisto, I know you don’t want her in your realm again so give her this chance."

"I’ll speak to my people, just make sure she stays…calm"

Hades disappeared in a flash and the clouds parted. Xena still held Callisto, who was curled up in her arms and rocking like a child.. Xena looked down at her and held up Callisto’s distraught face, she looked into her now almost maroon coloured eyes and said,

"We’ll find her I promise."

Callisto smiled through her tears and buried her head in Xena’s arms. Xena looked up at the rising sun, and smiled to her self ‘if only Gabrielle could see her now’, she thought

In the Elysian Fields Gabrielle stood by Hades and looked into his mirror of the outside world, she was smiling.

"I knew there was hope for her, I always knew."

At that the mirror faded and Xena disappeared from view.

The end.


To be continued in the second part ‘Ignorance was bliss.’


No hair styles were harmed during the writing of this story, it was all due to the actress, and nothing to do with me.

If you want to comment on this story you can email me at, but please be gentle as this is my first time.