Skills Links:

Choose the section that you are interested in by clicking on the headings below:
Maps and mapwork Button Photos and satellite images Button Fieldwork

Maps and mapwork Links:

Ordnance Survey Mapsmost schools in the UK use O.S. maps.

National Geographic Map Machinean excellent site which makes all sorts of maps.

3D Atlas Onlinesome excellent maps - have a look!

Expedia Mapsall sorts of maps from all over the world

Multimapenter your postcode (or any postcode) and get a map...

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Photos and satellite image Links:

There are thousands of wonderful photos and satellite images to be found on the Internet. The majority are provided by NASA or one of its agencies but there are many others to be discovered. The usual warnings about copyright apply, if you want to copy the images. I have not grouped the links as many provide a variety of images. I have, however, tried to indicate the type of images available. Be warned - some of the images are very large, so they take an age to load on the screen and occupy a large space on your hard drive if you try to save them.

Space Shuttle Images - a clickable world map with space shuttle images of various locations.

buttonSpace Shuttle Images - includes clouds from space, plate tectonics, volcanoes, etc.

buttonEarth From Space - more space shuttle pictures but grouped into categories such as cities, earth landscapes, hurricanes, geographic regions, etc.

buttonSpace Radar Images Of Earth - another large collection of images grouped into categories which include cities, ecology & agriculture, rivers, volcanoes, snow, ice & glaciers.

buttonTerraserver - a Microsoft site which you will either love or hate! The concept is wonderful - declassified high resolution images from Russian spy satellites which you can zoom in on right down to fields and individual buildings. The site can be busy, slow and awkward to use - try it and see...

buttonSatellite Images of the Earth at Night - from the International Dark-Sky Association who campaign against light pollution, comes this weird and wonderful set of images.

buttonEarth and Moon Viewer - generate a live image based on topography, cloud patterns, etc with current day/night superimposed.

buttonGlobal Hydrology & Climate Centre - global weather views. Includes visible, infra-red and water vapour images. Areas covered: N.America - GOES satellite, Japan, Australia & Asia - GMS-5 satellite, Europe, Africa & Atlantic - METEOSAT-7 satellite.

buttonSpace Science & Engineering Centre - from this site comes one of the best images that I have found on the Internet. These are full-colour global maps showing differences in land and sea temperatures. They make wonderful windows wallpaper images.

buttonRussian satellite images collected from the polar orbitting satellite NOAA. The images are processed in Irkutsk, Siberia and Moscow. The weather images show most of present-day Russia plus its neighbours.

buttonPictures Of Earth- a collection of classic pictures of Earth.

buttonUnited States Air Force Operational Weather Centre (USAF OWS) - a well organised site and full of quality weather images and data. Some areas have restricted access with passwords.

buttonMount Ranier Armchair Tour - a photographic tour of glacial features of Mount Ranier.

buttonUniversity of Cincinnati Photos - photo database of glacial features (with notes).

buttonEarthshots - a large set of good quality satellite images with detailed notes. Includes Nile delta, Chernobyl, California, etc.

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Fieldwork Links:

Virtual Fieldwork Sites

green pin
Reculver, North Kent, UKFieldwork along the North Kent coast - erosion and coastal management.

green pin Indian Peaks, Colorado, USAA visit to a mountain area to see how vegetation changes with height and how glaciation has shaped the land.

Fieldwork Techniques

green pin RiversRiver measurement - equipment and techniques for cross-sections.

green pin RiversRiver measurement - equipment and techniques for velocity.

green pin RiversRiver measurement - equipment and techniques for discharge.

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