Musa flaviflora

Musa flaviflora N. W. Simmonds, Kew Bulletin 11 (3): 463 - 489 (1956).

Accepted name Musa flaviflora N. W. Simmonds, Kew Bulletin 11 (3): 463 - 489 (1956).

Musa acuminata Colla, the Mariani form of Cheesman, Kew Bull. 1948, 28 (descr. & fig.); Simmonds, Journ. Genetics 51, 32 (1952).

? Musa sapientum subsp. seminifera form thomsoni King MSS ex Baker, Ann. Bot. 7, 214 (1893); E. E. Cheesman, Kew Bull. 1948, 327

? Musa thomsoni King MSS ex Cowan and Cowan, Trees of North Bengal, 135 (1929)

Authorities Simmonds 1956, Noltie 1994.
Section Eumusa
Distribution (Bhutan).
References Noltie 1994, Novak 1992, Simmonds 1956, Simmonds and Weatherup 1990.
Comments Simmonds 1956 comments that "this species resembles Musa acuminata and on purely morphological grounds would be best treated as the northernmost subspecies of it.  It differs from all known forms of acuminata in bract colour, in the male flowers suffused with orange yellow, in the virtually complete methylation of the bract anthocyanins (Simmonds, Ann. Bot. Lond. 18, 474, 1954) and, above all, in its breeding behaviour in which it shows itself to be more closely allied to some species of Rhodochlamys than to any other known Eumusa (Simmonds, J. Genet. 51, 32 (1952); Shepherd, unpublished)".

Simmonds and Weatherup's 1990 numercial taxonomic study of Musa tends to support the status of Musa flaviflora as a subs-species of M. acuminata Colla rather than a species in its own right.


last revision 23 April 2003