January 2001


  Bombay seems to be well established in its promotion of rehabilitation of drug users. The Forum Against Drugs is the first national organisation to compile a national directory of institutions working in the field of addiction.

This organisation has a team of highly qualified and professional social workers to motivate street-children to keep their surroundings clean, help them with health care facilities and create awareness campaigns for drugs and AIDS.

The Forum Against Drugs has a drop-in-counselling centre where it organises training sessions, social workers, teachers and community leaders. It has also established a chain of 3 detox centres at Bhardawadi Hospital, Andheri and Bombay in 1990 - the first of its kind in India. Since 1990 it has organised the detoxification of more than 1000 poor addicts.

After the free detoxification the organisation arranges for addicts to be transferred to Bombay seems to be well established in its promotion of rehabilitation of drug users.


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. Material Copyright © 1997 THOMAS (Those on the Margins of a Society)
THOMAS is an integral part of Catholic Welfare Societies, Registered Charity number 503102