January 2001

Steve Murphy is an ex-client

Why was it fair that I was there?
Maybe not - but I had a shot
And look where I am now
So do I think or have a drink
It’s said that drink will make me dead
And now it’s true.
I am from the ‘Pool’
But have been a fool
I am going back to Blackburn
To make the turn
The people there
They care
They are a part of me.

She is mine
She is fine
She’s my daughter
I am not a bad father
Don’t see her enough
Which is tough
But with the drink
Don’t stop to think
Don’t want her there
When my head’s not there
I have tried
But feel dead inside
But I have a chance
To make it right.

...............................Love, Ste Murphy

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. Material Copyright © 1997 THOMAS (Those on the Margins of a Society)
THOMAS is an integral part of Catholic Welfare Societies, Registered Charity number 503102