September 2006

  Drugs Are No Longer on the Agenda

Bernard Speaks to Edges and is currently at T.H.O.M.A.S.

I’ve been in prison fifteen times and the sentences were getting longer. Day to day life in prison is getting harder, but I’m getting older and I don’t think jail has helped me. Years ago the CARAT system didn’t exist. The CARAT system is about helping address behaviours. The short drug programme in prison only started two years ago; it should have started earlier. Every time I’ve been in prison the same Detox, the same people, the same circles. Now I can see people at NA who have come through T.H.O.M.A.S. and the staff. If they can do it so can the people who come through T.H.O.M.A.S. because they have had the same problems. If anyone in prison is reading this – I’ve made plans in prison but as soon as I got out I relapsed, and relapsed and relapsed; it’s hard without help. But coming into a rehab is not like seeing CDT workers. You learn a lot about yourself, this is the place to be definitely. It’s not prison When I look at T.H.O.M.A.S. I see people several years on who are doing well who have been to prison who have moved on and are in full time jobs. This gives me hope.

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