July 2007

Kevin has been connected to THOMAS for almost 12 months

It's twelve months almost since I came onto the T.H.O.M.A.S. programme. The first three months I spent getting to know me and to know my surroundings

I knew when I was in Lancaster Prison that I wasn't good at living life on life's terms. I've never been equipped with doing daily routines like going to a job centre, shopping, the library and other little routines, massive to me though, I decided to come to this project. I saw the lads who were further along the way than I was and I just learned from them; I followed what they did because I couldn't do it on my own. I learned from the experience of others and I thought if they could do it so could I. I have faith and trust in them.

The second stage, after the first three months of Stage 1, is pretty intensive. I worked in the groups and I got a lot from it. I found myself in a place where I was trusted and given responsibility and I've never had that before. I've taken to that. I was a bit confused because I was doing things that felt natural and yet for me not natural because I had never done them before. I moved over to Galligreaves and that is where it all started for me because I was given responsibility. I could wake early and go to group sessions which I chose to do. I have to pay bills and work with the gas and water suppliers, TV Licence etc. and pay them on a regular basis. I found that I actually enjoyed that. I spoke to Ollie,my key worker, who said all I need to do is ask for help when I need it and it will be there. I have done three courses at Levels 1 and 2 at college and I do voluntary work. I also work in the Drop-in Centre here and I enjoy that; I can empathise with the homeless. I enjoy that too.

After six months I moved out of Galligreaves into my own flat and it's lovely. I had to take responsibility for seeing to the Gas and Water supply (it took five weeks but I kept on at it. I don't hide from my problems now I deal with them). I don't have to take drugs and I've no desire to do so. I've been in rehabs before but only T.H.O.M.A.S. has brought me this far. It has been a learning process as I said earlier but I've never wanted responsibility before; I've been in and out of prison for 20 plus years and I'm now 42 years old. I know I don't have to do it on my own. I come down regularly to T.H.O.M.A.S. to be around people. I see others who themselves have been out of the programme for over two years and they still come back. I can ask them how they dealt with things and learn from that. The support is always here, I've been told not to rush things; the door is always open. I can now help those going through the Galligreaves Stage 2 by sharing my experiences with them; it helps and I will be there to help.

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