Subject: [Dagger] [porc] Forces Best Divided Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 19:25:59 -0800 From: Nick Casler To: >"Here we have a problem, my friends. To the left lies Nyx’s chambers, but it >is to the right where Vex may be found. We must either prioritise or >divide." Zerith trailed off, looking at the warriors in front of him. Balefire stood rightmost in the party, one hand on his weapons, eyes constantly scanning the halls of the citadel. After their short, but turbulent battle with Lishara and her minions, ending in the death of most of the morphoid daerdra, with Lishara and the rest of her minions fleeing through the small door the party had arrived through. Zerith's roving gaze left Balefire, tracking across the blood smeared on the floor, all that was left of the daerdra, and came to rest Next to him, Skudge stood, watching Balefire's back. Betrayal stood nervously, scanning the halls to the left, his left-handed stance with his polearm complementing Balefire's right-handed (although ambidextrous in a pinch) grip. Alyssa was leaning against the wall between them, her staff also at a ready position. Kriella was approaching him, and Rathine was standing in the middle of the hall, an intense look on his face as he examined the ceiling, pointing out some minor detail to Zerith. As Kriella reached him, Tenaka smiled. "What say you, Kriella? who shall go with me, to beard the demon in his sanctum, and who shall rescue the virtue of lady Nyx?" Tenaka asked, a smile on his face over their victory over the door. Kriella grinned as well, and glanced back over the companions, who had begun to scatter around the hall, probing the immediate area for threats and traps. "Well, Dreadlord. I believe I shall lead young Betrayal, and his charge Alyssa, as well as that insufferable lout Rathine, to go rescue Nyx. I believe Zerith should come with us, to help my team avoid traps and such. Also, no force I know of could come between Balefire and Vex right now." Kriella stated after some deliberation. "Skudge.. well, I think he would like to get a piece of the 'big horny bastard' himself." Kriella finished with another grin. Tenaka nodded approvingly. "With your skills and judgement, lady wife, I think I shall soon face competition to be Dreadlord." He rumbled, with a wide grin. Then, he turned and striding back towards the group. "Hail, Tenaka!" Betrayal said, looking over at the approaching Dreadlord, from his conversation with Zerith. "How goes the planning?" "It goes well, youngling. We have a plan, and merely need to execute it. Gather the others whilst I and Zerith draw out a map." Betrayal nodded, and strode off to retrive Skudge, who had started a cautious scout down one of the hallways. When all of the companions gathered together by the false door, Kriella lay the plan out. "Balefire, Tenaka, you gentlemen will be taking the right path, to confront the ever-so-hospitable Lord Vex. The rest of you shall be accompanying me, to rescue Nyxalinth. Hopefully, Zerith, you will be able to guide us past any Traps Emerald Vex has laid for us.." Kriella glanced over the crude map Tenaka had drawn from Zerith's description. "Actually, lady Kriella, there is most likely no traps or obstacles at all on your path. It leads to Vex's bedchambers, a place of many comings and goings." Here, Zerith winced at his choice of words. "It is most probably untrapped, although it will not be unguarded. I believe my place lies with the assault on Vex himself, which will lead us to his throne, a much deadlier locale." Zerith stated, pointing out the vaugeley marked areas denoting Vex's throne, the source of his power. "I agree, Zerith. That will also balance the teams out, so that no-one is left alone.. Skudge will also be accompanying that party, then. That leaves Rathine, Betrayal, and Alyssa to rescue Nyx with me. we can decide tactics on the way, neh?" Kriella stood, after brushing smooth the map on the floor. The heroes seperated themselves, and moved off down the wings of the hallway. Destiny awaits.. -/\/ Nick Casler which is faster? 95 MPH, through a window. 98 MPH, through a window with a fancy frame. 5.1 MPH, wearing a red hat, riding a penguin. or, running at WARP speed? os/2 Warp 4. engage