Subject: [Porc] And so it begins... Date: Thu, 09 Jul 1998 02:48:15 -0600 From: "Sherrian" To: "" On Thu, 09 Jul 1998 02:46:43 -0600, Sherrian wrote: > >My deepest thanks to Chris and Balefire for their contributions ;-) > > > >>-----Original Message----- >>From: Sherrian >>To: Balefire >>Cc: >>Date: 09 July 1998 03:32 >>Subject: [Porc] And so it begins... > >> >> >> Skudge was getting restless. >>He'd sat around patiently in the Angry Porcupine for the past two days while the collected mortals drank, swapped >tales, boasted, or went off alone to more private activities. The scamp didn't begrudge them wanting to celebrate--after >all, many of them had just returned from defeating a great evil. Skudge was all for that. Like most of his kind from Shade >>Perilous, he didn't have an evil bone in his body. Most of Nocturnal's daedra, were, in fact, neutral in outlook, >preferring to keep a balanced approach. A very few, such as Skudge, actually walked a brighter path. >> The scamp sighed and grumbled into his ale mug. He'd been most patient with these mortals. But if they didn't get >>going, soon, he would have to stir things up. >> It was a beautiful morning in Vanshire, though the sunlight streaming through the sparkling clean windows was a bit >>harsh on the scamp's sensitive eyes. It glittered off the brass fixtures in the tap room, sparkled on the polished tables, >>and reflected off Balefire's newly polished daedric armor. Skudge was more than a little in awe of the big warmage, >>though he sensed that the dark elf was a friend, and not someone to fear. And sometimes it was difficult to tell him >apart from Kriella's mate, Tenaka, or Darkflame, as he was also called. Finally he had seen that Balefire had a long scar >>running down his face, while Tenaka did not. >> "Tell me, scamp. Do you grow as weary of all this as I?" >> Skudge looked up to see Rathine. The Dremora's usual inscrutable mask had slipped to reveal his boredom and >>irritation, feelings Skudge could identify with. "Yes," he said, addressing Rathine in Daedric. Only when he spoke in >>Tamriellic did Skudge have difficulty. "I am very weary of it. I understand their reasons, but it's time to move on." >> The Dremora blinked in surprise. "Skudge--" >> The scamp smiled. "Surprised? Everyone underestimates us scamps. Makes it all the more amusing when one >that's actually bright comes along, huh?" >> The Dremora took a seat near the scamp. "Do any of them know?" >> "I'd prefer they didn't. Except for Nyx. She's one of the few I trust But for now, let's keep this quiet, okay?" >> The Dremora shrugged. "As you wish, Skudge. I suppose it's time I started treating you as an equal at the least." >> He smiled. "It would help. But I'll tell you something. I still think you're a horny bastard, and I'm not too happy about >>how you treated my friend." >> "And I still think you're a ratty little twit." >> The two daedra grinned at each other. They hated each other, but they understood each other. >> >> "Now there's something I never thought I'd see," Kriella murmured to her husband. >> "What's that, my love?" >> "Skudge and Rathine sitting at the same table, actually being civil to each other." The Dread Master shook her >>head. >> "Hmmm. Perhaps the idea that we are finally going to rescue Nyxalinth has sobered them somewhat." >> Kriella nodded. "Maybe so. Another drink, anyone?" >> "Ah'm alwehs fer more o' the ale," Elfiran said with a grin. >> "Aye, and I as well," Balefire added. "It might be some time before I enjoy Elfiran's fine ale again." >> >> "There they go again," Skudge noted as he watched a barmaid deliver more >>ale to the table. >> Rathine nodded. "It would seem that it is time for your speech, scamp." >> Skudge grinned. He bided his time a few more minutes, the leapt atop the table, steel spear in hand. "Hey! Hey >you, Kriella, and...and...what's your names!" >> Kriella groaned and looked over at skudge. Now what was that scamp up to? >> The scamp glared at them. The DreadMaster had never seen the little fellow looking so fierce. Skudge brandished >>his spear and said, "Me think you have plenty of time to swill ale, yak it up, and polish weapons!" >> When the heroes only blinked in astonishment, Rathine added, "I believe the scamp is saying it's time we got >started. Who knows what Emerald Vex, and Red and Blackie, for that matter, have done >>with Nyx?" >> "I know what he means," Tenaka said firmly. "We would at least like to finish our ale, if you please." Suddenly, the >>DreadLord's entire face went totally blank. >> "What is it, brother?" Balefire asked him. He turned to Kriella. "Has he been struck ill?" >> She shook her head and indicated that everyone be silent. At last, Tenaka blinked. "There is good news and bad, >my friends. Tenaka looked around for the Werre To'khar and when he spotted him, he raised his arm. "Cromm, the good >news is for you! I can tell you that Holm'ka lives! He has joined the Dreadarmies and is with his Lord, Dreadmaster Sollar! >And the bad news. There is a minor complication, my friends. Nyxalinth is being guarded by Red and Blackie. I have >been warned of an impending ambush. They've paralyzed her to prevent her from calling out a warning, but that's >>been...taken care of. Normally this would not be a problem, but if they are the ones guarding her..." >> "....then one might as well set the wolf to guard the doe," Kriella said flatly. She shuddered. "I have seen them, >dealt with them, and I prefer that she not be alone with them any longer." >> "We go now?" Skudge asked hopefully. >> The heroes looked at each other for a moment. Finally... Balefire raised his arm in salute to the Werre party, and >called out his thanks for their hours of shared tales. Rising from his seat, he quaffed the last of his ale and raised his >voice, the morning sun glinting brightly from his polished armor. "Ho, comrades, I beilieve we have rested and planned >enough." Slamming his tankard down on the table, he drew his claymore from his back-strapped scabbard and raised it >high. The aura of magic raced up its razor edges and lit his scarred features in stark relief. >> "Let us go", he boomed, "to rescue the fair maiden and confound her captors. Open us a Window, brother, and let >>us go to storm the halls and marches of Oblivion. J'layah, Twilight, may your quest go well. Let us meet here again, in >>celebration of our respective successes. And," his voice sharpened, ringing in the rafters, "I will see Nyx and Zerith >>here safely among us, or I will not come back at all. Let Oblivion beware, for soon shall they know for whom the >>balefire burns." Beside him, the great hole in space that was commonly known >as a Window opened. Through it, a >great lake, the Lake of Dreams, could be seen, though there was no sign of Zerith. Tenaka and Balefire shared a >>worried look before Tenaka whispered his old adage of "Dovie'andi se tovya sagain" to the Warmage, drew his great >Daedric Dai-katana and leapt through the Window. The rest of the group began to follow him through. >> "Yay!" cheered Skudge. 'Bout damned time!" and Balefire grinned in spite of himself. > > >Making love is like football, you can't always score, but when you do, it makes it all worth while -- Chef, South Park > >---------------------------- >Shadow Walkers Realm > >mailto:// > >PGP Public Key Fingerprint: 248B F4A2 BB7C B48D CB83 35BD BF3D D2BC > > Making love is like football, you can't always score, but when you do, it makes it all worth while -- Chef, South Park ---------------------------- Shadow Walkers Realm mailto:// PGP Public Key Fingerprint: 248B F4A2 BB7C B48D CB83 35BD BF3D D2BC