Subject: Re: [PORC] ...and nothing will stand before us Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 00:42:53 -0600 From: "Sherrian" To: "" On Wed, 15 Jul 1998 00:40:11 -0600, Sherrian wrote: Speak, Zerith, and quickly, for we should not linger overlong. Tell us how best to go, and then nothing will stand before us." I grinned at the big warmage. Perhaps a little of Nyx's humor had rubbed off off me, for my next words were, "It has been my intention all along, Lord Balefire, to make great haste. However, 'twould hardly be proper to interrupt you during your fine soliloquy." Alyssa giggled. Kriella smiled a little, as did Tenaka. Rathine was trying to remain impassive without much luck. Skudge grinned. As for Balefire, He tried to scowl at me without much success. "Your point is taken, Zerith. Now please, tell us what we need to know." "Very well. The castle gates are approximately two miles south of here. The gate itself is of adamantium, and guarded by a small troop--ten or so--morphoid daedra. There is also a patrol of mortal led by a daedra lord named Zul. The group is called Vex's Chosen, there' s a good ten or so of them, plus the lord. They are of mixed racial background and ability, and most of them are spellswords...however, there were also one or two Battlemages." "You seem to know them quite well," Tenaka noted. He was not suspicious, merely curious. I could certainly understand. "I spent a few minutes in their company. I waylaid one and took his armor, then joined the group. I used illusion spells to disguise myself, and later, I used illusions to create a distraction. But that's a later story. "The castle layout is fairly straightforward, to my knowing. And you are correct, Balefire. There are Magickal countermeasures that prevent the use of magicka. Innate abilites, such as some of Nyx's Shadow Walker skills, aren't affected, but spells are." My face turned grim as I remembered how Nyx had discovered this for herself the hard way. "What is it, Zerith?" Betrayal asked me. "I suppose I should tell you that when Vex first took us, Nyx attempted an opening spell on his chamber doors, that we might escape." My heart ached at the memory. "The spell backlashed at her in green fire...she was badly injured and would have died had Vex not healed her. The same can happen to any of us, so I am glad, Balefire, that you will be protected. I still fear for Alyssa, however." She smiled faintly. "I know how to handle myself, sir." "Very well, we shall see." Now was not the time for argument. I pulled out a map I had drawn shortly after writing the letter to Nyx. "Map!" cried the until now silent Skudge. "Want to see!" I smiled at him. "We'll all see, little one." And I spread it for them to see. "I am a wizard, not a cartographer, so any comments on my attempt should be gentle," I teased my comrades. This produced a few faint smiles. "This large chamber here--" And I pointed--"Is Vex's Inner Sanctum. He will no doubt meet us there." "What else will we find?" Kriella asked. I shook my head. "I am not sure, lady. Most likely Vex's Clannfears. And Vex himself, of course." I pointed to another room down the hall and to the north. "Vex's chambers, where Nyx is being held, guarded by Red and Blackie, Vex's spider daedra lieutenants." "What are spider Daedra?" Betrayal asked. "Horny bastards!" Skudge told him. Even Rathine seemed amused by this. Kriella described the creatures, and both Betrayal and Alyssa seemed a little green. Balefire seemed about to speak, but I said, "Forgive me one moment, Archmage, for I think I know what you would ask. I cast contigency on the map, so that it would be in your hands should I be destroyed." "Well, enough, Zerith. Twould seem you have long planned this!" I nodded. Tenaka was about to speak when an all too familiar arrogant laugh sounded. " last we meet the mortal masters of war," taunted Lord Zul. Vex's chosen were arrayed in a semicircle, moving to surround us. "Come to sing? Come to dance? Come to paint my master's realm red with your heart's blood? You have one chance, mortals...and scamp...and Dremora. I can return you all now, but for Zerith, to Tamriel." "We are not here to surrender to the likes of you!" Rathine snarled. The handsome daedra lord's face twisted in a sneer. "Then you are fools, and will die like fools." He began to trace an arcane pattern in the air, even as the Chosen spread out. >PGP Public Key Fingerprint: F032 5CDF 3691 EF4F 70CE 1DAA 316A 8C2C > > > > >PGP Public Key Fingerprint: F032 5CDF 3691 EF4F 70CE 1DAA 316A 8C2C > > > > >---------------------------- >Shadow Walkers Realm > >mailto:// > >PGP Public Key Fingerprint: F032 5CDF 3691 EF4F 70CE 1DAA 316A 8C2C > > ---------------------------- Shadow Walkers Realm mailto:// PGP Public Key Fingerprint: F032 5CDF 3691 EF4F 70CE 1DAA 316A 8C2C