From Mar 9 23:09:57 1998 Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 19:33:38 +1300 From: Mike and Micky Gunn To: "" Subject: [PORC] New Friends Here is another instalment from Sherrian....enjoy! :) ----------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, the rain had not abated a bit. Nyx had slept like a rock, even through the worst of the storm. She chalked it up to the effects of the blackjack and being in a place where she felt safe. She dressed and went downstairs to breakfast. The door to the Angry Porcupine suddenly flew open and banged against the wall. Startled, Nyx nearly dropped the biscuit she was eating. "Ware the wind!" Joel scolded the pair coming in. "Tis blowing fit to carry off a dragon!" "Sorry about that," said the taller of the two men. He grabbed the door and closed it firmly. Nyx sighed deeply. "I am far too jumpy these days," she mused. 'Maybe I need to lay off the coffee.' She glared at the coffeepot as if it were the cause of all her troubles, then watched the pair cross the room and settle in at a nearby table. "At least the scenery is nice,' she thought with a wry smile. The new patrons were both male, and quite attractive. One had long, raven dark hair, amazing blue eyes, and fair skin--a Nord. He wore gleaming mithril chainmail, and an elegant scimitar was buckled onto his belt. The other was a High Elf ranger, with rich coppery red hair. He wore mottled green and brown leathers. A fine yew bow was slung across his back. Nyx could see that his eyes were dark and stormy gray, like the skies outside. 'Nice, very nice indeed!' Her heart was still with Zerith, of course. But Nyx knew that had the situation been reversed, and the patrons female, Zerith would've admired them all the same! 'Nothing says I have to be blind, after all.' Still, thinking of how Zerith was yet under Emerald Vex's thumb while she roamed freely dampened her mood. Every mage's guild she'd spoken with had outright refused to help her, or else had charged such an exorbitant fee that they might as well have said no. She hoped that the mages here in Vanshire would prove more cooperative. She sighed deeply and sipped her coffee. Outside the storm raged on. They were barely into First Seed, and it poured rain fit to flood the Alik'kir Desert. Usually, it was still a bit blustery and snowy at this time of year. Thunder exploded from a sharp flash of lightning, making her jump out of her skin. She looked around, blushing, hoping that no one had seen her. She smiled when she saw that the two patrons near her had also been startled witless. "That was close," the elf told his friend. "We're in for a time of it, Jeren." The Nord nodded. "That we are." He glared out the window, as if he could stop the storm by staring it down. "I grow weary of this rain, Kestral. Two days of nothing but storms, and it's barely First Seed!" 'My feelings exactly,' Nyx thought. She went to pour another cup of coffee, but the pot was empty. "You shouldn't be sitting all alone," the elf said to her. Nyx looked at them evenly. "Maybe I like being alone." In truth, she didn't. She deperately wanted to have company. Even though Joel had told her last night that enjoying herself once in a while would do no harm, Nyx wasn't so sure. "You don't look like you do," Jeren added. "In fact, you look very unhappy." "I--I just have some things on my mind," she said softly. She didn't wish to be rude, but she really wasn't in a good mood. She stared down at her empty cup, hoping that they'd give it up. Silence. Then came the sound of chairs being pulled back, and footsteps. And then they took the booth seat across from her. She tried her best to glare at them, but it was no use. Already, she could feel her mood lifting. Kestral smiled. "You may have things on your mind, dear, but moping isn't going to fix them. So you might as well enjoy yourself." Nyx was about to protest when Jeren added, "And if you can't enjoy yourself, enjoy us!" He winked. She felt a grin coming on and tried to hold it back. She'd almost succeeded when Kestral added, "In case you haven't noticed, we're flirting with you!" They laughed when a big (and, Nyx was sure, a most certainly dopey) grin split her face. "All right. I'm a sucker for blatant honesty. You're right. Moping isn't going to solve a thing. I"m Nyxalinth, but call me Nyx." Jeren smiled. His teeth were dazzling white, and, Nyx noticed, a little strange. The eyeteeth were a bit sharper looking than she'd seen before. 'Vampires? Weres, maybe? Well, as long as I don't let them get me alone, I'll be fine.' She considered. 'No, not vamps. They can't stand daylight, and storm or no, it's morning out there.' "My name is Jeren," he told her. "I'm a spellsword out of Wayrest. My friend is Kestral, a ranger from Sumerset Isle." Kestral grinned. He too had rather pronounced eyeteeth. Nyx made a mental note to definitely not let them get her alone. "Now that we're properly introduced," the elf said, "would you care to join us in a glass of sherry?" Nyx grinned, and the words fell out of her mouth before she could stop them. "I'm not sure that we'd all fit!" To her delight, the pair laughed. She blushed when Jeren said, "Well, you could sit on my lap!" "And where would Kestral sit?" she asked, playing along. Perhaps Joel was right. This was the most fun she'd had in days! Jeren grinned. "He could sit on your lap! Elves don't take up much space." Kestral grinned. "We take up enough, my friend." Nyx understand the double entendre at once. "Oh, my!" She buried her blushing face in her hands, giggling. They laughed with her. "I take it that's a yes," Jeren said. His blue eyes danced. "To the sherry, yes," she said archly. "But to anything else, I am quite taken." "Just our luck," Kestral said, his gray eyes bright. "They prettiest woman we've seen in days is taken." "Lucky bastard," Jeren added. The barmaid returned and set the brimming glasses on the table, then departed. "A toast," said Kestral. They raised their glasses. "To Nyx, the loveliest lady here. She's made being cooped up during a storm so much nicer!" Nyx laughed. "And here's to Kestral and Jeren, for making me smile" Perhaps the storm wasn't so bad after all!