From: (Christopher John Cunliffe) Subject: [PORC] Away from home. "Remember, cause and effect. If you are scared, the horse will be too!" Kriella Khan looked at the Dreadknights before her. For the past few hours they had been jousting to improve their horsemanship, but none of them seemed to understand that the horse had feelings of its own. Similar to magic, if the horse did not want to do something, nothing would happen. And if you were scared of whatever you were running at, the horse would not run. Kriella turned as she sensed someone walk up to her. It was a Dreadknight from one of the other Fists. She didn't know what he wanted, but it was clear he was awaiting her permission to speak. She nodded at him. "Dreadmaster Khan," he started breathlessly. "You are summoned to stand before the Master!" She dismissed the man and then looked at the knights in her own Fist. They would need another lesson. At least. She picked out one of the more promising students and told him to continue the lesson. She turned and walked towards the Tower. Very rarely did the Great Lord call upon his subjects. For most, the only time they ever met him was when they first left the Labyrinth. A few met him a second time, to be promoted to Dreadmaster. Even rarer were the ones who saw him more than that. More than twice usually meant promotion to Dreadlord, but Kriella could not imagine Tenaka having been killed whilst on recruitment. She would not marry someone weak. Entering the Tower she felt the familiar draining of Magic from her. It had been the same the other two times she had entered. As a Dreadmaster, she had been required to touch the jewel that drained the magic from occupants when she was promoted. A deep blue, the Breath of Heaven was slightly cold to the touch. She did not know how it worked. She did not really care. She waited outside the Great Lord's chamber. The large, ornate, double doors loomed over her whilst she awaited the courage to knock. Eventually she did and she heard His voice in her mind. 'Enter'. At the sound, the two doors swung open, seemingly of their own accord. She braced herself and then walked into the room. "Dreadmaster," said the figure sat on his throne before her. "I have a mission for thou. Dost thou accept?" "Of course, Great Lord," she replied. She silently thanked all of the gods that her husband was not dead. "It has come to my attention that a large number of Spider Daedra have escaped into Tamriel. Thus far three have been counted, but there may be more. Thou art to hunt these three down and do whatever thou canst to discover why so many are suddenly surfacing. If thou hast the time, also inquire as to the Dreadlord's whereabouts!" "Of course, Great Lord." "The first of the three has been tracked to Vorumax Caverns in Minevia. I shalt open a Window for thou. Stand ready!" Kriella stood back. Where she had stood, a window in space appeared. Through it she could see the entrance to the cavern in question. She could have constructed the Window herself – it was an ability given to all Dreadknights – but for the fact that she had never been to the place before. The Great Lord did not have this problem. He was in every place at every time. She tried not to think about that (the paradox always confused her) as she stepped through the Window.