From: (Christopher John Cunliffe) Subject: [PORC] Welcome to my parlour... Kriella was shocked at the sight of the Spider Daedra hurtling towards Nyx. Enthralled by her story, and impressed at her accomplishments, she had failed to notice that her detection spell had ended, and thus failed to detect the beast's approach. It seemed to be ignoring her completely, focussing all of it's energies on Nyx – perhaps it too had heard of her. Kriella drew both her blades silently and began to creep around behind the thing. It still had not noticed her approach. She poised herself, ready for the moment to come. And then it did. The Daedra raised its arms to swing at Nyx, and Kriella leapt forward. Yelling her battle cry of "Carai en Caldazar," she flew towards the beast's unguarded waist. At the last possible moment, her presence seemed to register and the beast turned, absently swiping her out of the way to land in heap at the far corner of the cave. Nyx had taken the opportunity of the Daedra's distraction to attack it herself. Quickly and silently, she drew her sabre and ran towards the creature. As it turned towards her again, she lunged towards its masculine chest. Unable to bring its arms to bear again so quickly, it reared up on its back four legs and spewed out webbing. Nyx was forced to back off, slashing at the new threat. She then ducked to avoid the fire she saw flaming towards her. Kriella had managed to rise again and bring her not inconsiderable magic to bear. The fireball she had created had flown straight towards Daedra, smashing with the force of a galloping horse into it's back. However, the ball turned out to be larger that the Daedra, and the edges had continued on to fly towards Nyx! Kriella saw this threat and quickly opened a Window next to her. Next to Nyx she could see the other side also opening. As soon as it was large enough, she pulled Nyx through the hole in space (much to the Shadowalker's surprise). Quickly, she closed the Window before any of the fire could lose its way again. "Sorry," she whispered to Nyx. She looked over and smiled. She had injured it. Its back showed scars from the flames. "Nyxalinth," Kriella continued. "You know how to kill these things. Do so. I will distract it." Nyx nodded at her. She was over the shock of passing through the Window. It appeared that she had known that these existed. Kriella quickly opened a second one and walked to the front of the creature again. As it stared at her, seeming to not have noticed the exchange behind it, it seemed surprised. It did not know where Nyx was. Now was the perfect chance. As she watched Nyx walk up behind the creature, Kriella wove her magic into an illusion. To the Spider Daedra it appeared that her clothing and armour had disappeared. It gave smile and walked slowly towards her. That would be its downfall – its own unique appetites. Kriella just hoped that Nyx hurried with what she had to do. Nyx walked up to the creature, savouring every step. Kriella watched her eyes, not wanting to see what was within the Daedra's. She saw hate in the Shadowalker's eyes – hate for these creatures, hate for all Daedra. No fear – she had clearly gotten over that long ago – just pure, simple hate. Kriella felt a knot in her stomach. She was glad to have Nyx as a friend. There was nothing more to be feared than an enemy's righteous wrath. It enabled them to do anything, without conscience, without fear that what they may be doing was wrong. Nyx showed righteous wrath in her eyes now. Nyx raised her blade and held it in both hands, blade pointing down from above her head. Just as the Daedra reached out with its arms to the naked image of Kriella, she plunged the sword down, through the creature's back and into its heart. It gave one scream as Kriella dropped her illusion and it realised that it had been tricked, fell to the floor, shuddered once and died. Kriella put away her blades and held out her hand to Nyx. "Well done, partner. I am merely glad that you did not leave it too much longer. That thing was getting far too close for comfort. There was something I had intended to tell you before that beast interrupted. My husband is the Dreadlord – I see from your eyes that you know of the title. Like all Dreadlords before him, he was taken to Oblivion for his promotion. He has been there. He can open a Window to there again. He can take you to Oblivion!"