From: (Christopher John Cunliffe) Subject: [PORC]: Draw Steel! "They must be killed," said Kriella. "Now." "I agree that they cannot be allowed to live," answer Nyx. "But does it have to be now?" "Yes. They clearly realise that we know about them, and they will make no attempt to hide themselves any longer. They will come straight for us as soon as they are finished upstairs. Do you know what they intend to do?" "Yes. They went to contact Emerald Vex. That should take them no more than a few minutes." "Then we have but a few minutes to prepare our ambush. Do they have any weakness that we can exploit? You know far more about them than I do." "Not that I can think of, other than their lust. But Red and Blackie are half breeds. That makes them more intelligent and more in control of their … urges. They will be difficult to defeat." "I feel a little irony would be appropriate then. Come with me. We can wait in your room." --------- The two women sat on the floor in the centre of Nyx's room. They both sat in an identical pose, with crossed legs and knees touching and hands raised, palms touching. Nyx was concentrating on the magical trap that the two of them had created outside the door to Red and Blackie's room, Kriella was sat with her eyes closed, concentrating on something entirely different. Suddenly, a mist began to emanate from their raised hands and moved to form a grey square in the air between them. As the mist cleared, the vision of a black helmet could be seen in the air between their faces. "Dreadmaster Khan," said a voice that seemed to emanate from the vision. "Why dost thou do this?" "Great Lord, my need is great. I felt that I must confer with you." "I refer not to the communication but to the presence of another. Speak, Shadowalker. Who art thou?" "My name is Nyxalinth, Great Lord." She did not know who this was, but she felt that using the same title Kriella had given was the best idea. "Very well, Shadowalker. I have heard tell of your performance within the Battlespire. Thou art worthy to converse with me. What is your request, Dreadmaster?" "Great Lord," said Kriella. "Soon shall we enter combat with the last two Spider Daedra. I have discovered that these two are here on the work of the Daedra Lord, Emerald Vex. They are half-breeds. Great Lord, we had grave difficulty in defeating one standard Spider Daedra. These are apparently far more dangerous. I would request the use of a number of Dreadknights." "Your request, Dreadmaster, is a worthy one and shall be granted. Thou art allowed eight Dreadknights from your own Fist. Surely ten should be able to defeat two of anything." "Thank you, Great Lord." "One final thing, Dreadmaster." "Yes, Great Lord?" "As soon as thou dost locate the Dreadlord, bring the Shadowalker to his attention. I would have her tested for Knighthood, if she is willing." "Yes, Great Lord." As Kriella spoke, the mist returned, covering the vision of the Great Lord of War. As soon as it was safe, Kriella dropped her hands and created a Window back to the city. The Great Lord had picked out the eight Dreadknights and they were awaiting her. They five men and three women walked through the Window and Kriella closed it. "Dreadknights," Kriella said. "This is Shadowalker Nyxalinth. You shall obey her as you would me." "Yes, Dreadmaster," the eight replied in unison. "You know that you are here to battle the Spider Daedra?" "Yes, Dreadmaster. We have been briefed by Dreadmaster Venor." This time only one of them, the most senior Kriella recognised, spoke. "Then let us await our prey." Nyx turned back to the door and concentrated on the spell again. ------ "Here they come," said Nyx. "Dreadknights, bare steel!" said Kriella. She looked at the eight knights again. All in armour, it seemed that they had been ready for the summons. She tried not to concentrate on that, The fact that the Great Lord knew all, yet still deigned to ask question confused her. The eight knights looked resplendent in their well polished green, Orcish armour and red cloak that was the uniform of a Dreadknight. The eight of them drew their swords and buckled on their shields, all Orcish longswords and Towers. Kriella did not know why the Dreadknight uniform was green – she had no like of the colour. Nyx drew her own weapon and slammed open the door. Before her, she could see Red and Blackie at the doorway, seemingly about to knock. When they saw the ten armed warriors inside they grimaced and the illusion of their form was dropped. Before the ten fighters stood two true Spider Daedra, one with jet black hair and one red as a sunrise. The two of them stormed into the room. Their two usual enemies had become eight. Red gave Blackie a serious look. He had wanted to kill Kriella when they had the chance. He wanted to make up for this mistake and dived at the Dreadmaster, two Daedric katanas gleaming in the light of the single lantern hanging from the wall. Blackie jumped at Nyx. The eight Dreadknights split into two groups, the three women and one man going to assist Kriella and the remaining four men walking towards Nyx. Kriella had only moments to take all of this in, however, before she was battling for her life. Every blow that the Dreadmaster or her Knights gave, the beast managed to dodge or parry. Red was quick. She did not know about Blackie, but she assumed that the Shadowalker and her four Knights were having similar difficulties. Only then did an idea strike her. Shouting orders to the Knights under her command, Nyx moved slowly back until the creature was surrounded by the four Knights. It could no longer get at her and this gave her her chance to strike. Quickly she opened a Window that she could see also opening behind the Daedric beast. As soon as it was large enough, she plunged her two blades into the hole in space and smiled as she felt them pierce the Spider Daedra's flesh. It screamed and Blackie turned to see his brother die as Kriella removed her swords and closed the Window. As her four Dreadknights began to hack at the dying body, Nyx took advantage of Blackie's distracted state to plunge her own sword into his back. The second brother screamed and the other four Dreadknights also went at it. The battle was over. The eight Dreadknights each wiped their swords on a piece of cloth they carried for the purpose and kissed the blades in the ritual of victory. The senior Knight spoke up. "An honour to serve, Dreadmaster. An honour to serve, Shadowalker." Kriella nodded and Nyx mimicked her. The Dreadmaster opened a Window and the eight returned to the city to continue their training. They dragged the two bodies back with them. "Nyx," said Kriella. "Yes?" she replied. "I believe that you have to inform Joel that he now has an empty room."