From: Sherrian Subject: Victory Defeated I stood and stared around me for a moment, shaking as the strength of battle left me abruptly. I leaned against the wall, panting a little. "They're gone," I said flatly. I'd seen it with my own eyes, and yet, I couldn't believe it. I'd even participated, and I couldn't believe it. Kriella nodded. "They're gone, Nyx." She smiled reassuringly. "Not forever though." I hitched in a sigh. "Did you know that daedra never truly die? Their spirits are cast into the Darkness for a while. And after a time--months, years, sometimes centuries, they come back." I swallowed the lump of lead in my throat. "They always come back." My voice, on the verge of tears, broke, and I wept. Kriella was uncertain of what to do. She was a warrior, not a priest, and words of comfort did not come easily. Then she realized that words were not needed. Heedless of the mob of curious patrons rushing up the steps, she embraced her friend. I accepted Kriella's hug gratefully. I'd been carrying this around for months, not daring to let it go, lest I weaken myself. But now that Red and Blackie were gone, I could let it out. "He's coming for me, you know," I told her. "Vex." She nodded. "When he gets here, we'll deal with him, too," she assured me. I shook my head. "I barely survived the daedra lords I encountered serving Dagon. And Vex's power far outdoes theirs. Rumor has it--" I broke off, hearing what sounded like the entire town guard stomping up the steps. It was a mixed mob of bar patrons, guards, and one or two mages led by Joel. Remembering Kriella's words, I smiled weakly and said, "You have a vacancy, Joel." He looked around. "What in Oblivion happened in here? It sounded like a battle!" Kriella and I looked at each other. "Joel, the guards and the mages may stay. So can you. As for the patrons--" I gave the barkeep a handful of coins. "The drinks are on me." The curious patrons whooped their thanks and tromped back down the steps. The guard sargent looked at us curiously. "Ladies, I recieved word that there was a fight going on up here. Would you care to explain?" We took turns explaining a cleaned up version of the battle. I didn't want any one else to know of my shame, and Kriella respected that. The guards nodded then departed, satisfied. Jeol sighed. "I'm glad that they're no longer a threat, Nyx." I nodded. "So am I. But you might wish to--" Kriella looked at me closely. "Nyx? What's wrong?" "We have to get out of here!" I cried. "He's coming--I can feel him!" "Who?" Kriella asked, but the look in her eyes told me she knew. "Emerald Vex. He--" And suddenly, the floor vanished beneath me. I had time to let out one choked scream, then all went dark. Lord Vex's ominous laugh followed me into the void. Kriella couldn't believe her eyes. "Nyx!" She rushed for the hole, meaning to follow, but it sealed up neatly, revealing no trace of where it had been. "NO!" She fell to her knees and though in her mind she knew it was futile she tried to pry the boards apart with her hands. "Lady," Joel said softly. "Naught can be done from here." One of the mages said, "It was a gate into Oblivion. And we haven't the power to help, for we are but apprentices." "I am sorry," said the other, and they departed. Kriella struggled not to weep. she had saved Nyx from Red and Blackie, only to have their master take her instead. Finally, she got herself back under control. "I have to wonder," she said through gritted teeth, "why he simply did not do that to begin with!" "I know not, lady," Joel said. His voice was thick with unshed tears. "Nyx once told me that powerful daedra, such as the lords, prefer not to use their powers when they can send minions." "And when his minions failed...Damn! But that Tenaka were here! He could take me into Oblivion!" 'For I have not the power to do it myself.'