From: (Christopher John Cunliffe) Subject: [PORC]: A New Hope Kriella looked around Nyx's room after Joel left. It was dirty from the battle with the two Daedra, but Nyx would not have minded. Her disappearance had had a startling effect on Kriella. For the first time in decades, she felt truly alone. The last time she had felt this way was when she was tested in the Labyrinth, but after that she had lived in a city with a population of several tens of thousands, and growing all the time. Her friend's abduction must be rectified. But there was nothing that she could do. She had never been to Oblivion and could therefore not open a Window to get there. It was a completely different dimension so she could not use her Spirit Walking to go there for a look first. She would have to wait for Tenaka, but by then it could easily be too late. She felt a pang of regret that Vex had not taken her too. Together they could have triumphed – Kriella knew that. Besides, she had helped defeat the Daedra. She turned at a squeak from behind her. The closet was opening. Silently groaning that there was more combat to be done, she quickly drew her two blades. Her surprise was great when she saw what appeared to be a Scamp walking out. It had its hands in the air, but Kriella could see a small, steel spear in the corner of the room. "Who are you?" Kriella asked. "Me Skudge," said the small Scamp. "Skudge friend of Nyx." "Really. Well Skudge, I am Kriella. I am also a friend of Nyx. What are you doing in there?" "Skudge hide. Skudge not like Spider Daedra." "How long have you been in there, Skudge?" "Long time. Skudge watch fight. Before fight, Skudge watch Daedra leave note." "What note?" "Daedra leave note on chest. Skudge not read note." Kriella practically ran over to the chest where she could now see a note that nobody had noticed before. Of course, earlier they had been somewhat distracted, but that was hardly the point. It was the principle of the thing. She picked up the piece of paper and unfolded it. It was a short message and appeared to make no sense whatsoever – it would seem that Nyx had not revealed all when they were talking. She ran her eyes over the note again: 'Nyxalinth, Know that the gratitude of the Dremora is unending. We are aware of your problems with Emerald Vex and one shall be sent to aid you. Imago Storm, Prince Regent.' Clearly Nyx had at some point helped out the Dremora, but what she had done, Kriella did not know. Probably something that had gone on in the Battlespire. There was only one problem. If the Dremora were sending help, it would be a Daedra. The problem was that Kriella, like all of the Dreadarmies, was the sworn enemy of all Daedra. Skudge could, of course be an exception (he was hardly a threat), but something powerful enough to help against Vex certainly would be. There would be a clash. Her duty to her Lord, or her duty to her friend.