I doubt that anybody really cares about what Kriella and Co are up to right now, but here it is anyway ;-) ----- Kriella opened her eyes and looked into the familiar face of Rathine. She sat up and Skudge ran over from the door to see what had happened. The Dreadmaster rubbed her eyes and stretched, before turning on the bed so that she was sitting as opposed to lying. "Where you been?" asked Skudge, excitedly. "Where you been?" "I been nowhere," Kriella replied. "What are you talking about?" "I believe the Scamp is referring to the fact that we have been unable to waken you. It seemed to think that you had gone somewhere." "Skudge not IT!" yelled the Scamp. Kriella calmed Skudge down before the situation got out of hand. Smiling, she turned to Skudge. "Skudge," she said. "I have not been anywhere. Do you remember Zerith? I have merely been speaking with him." "How?" asked the Scamp. "My Lord has made it possible for me to visit people in their dreams for a short time so that I can talk with them. Understand?" Skudge nodded enthusiastically, but the expression on his face made it clear that he had understood very little, if any at all. "And what did he have to say," asked Rathine. "He will try to escape and meet us when we go to Oblivion. Also, I could tell that he has a distinct dislike of you. You had better be careful when you meet him." "What have I ever done to him?" "It is not what you have done to him that is the point. It is what you persuaded Nyx to do with you." The Scamp cheered. "Yeah. Zerith kill horny bastard!" The Dremora gave Skudge a viscious glance. "We can handle that problem when it arises," said Kriella, lying down again. "Now I must contact Nyxalinth. Please try not to kill each other while I am asleep. Or at least, if you do, do it quietly." Skudge gave an enthusiastic nod and Rathine smiled. Kriella closed her eyes and drifted into sleep. ---- She awoke in a strange room. It was clearly the chamber of a very rich character, and the fact that all of the furnishings were green told her who that character was. Lying on the bed were two people - Nyx and who had to be Emerald Vex from his picture in Nyx's journal. She walked over to Nyx and woke her. She awoke with a start and opened her mouth to ask questions, but the Dreadmaster put a finger to her lips while pointing at Vex with her other hand. Nyx nodded and led the way out of the room. "Kriella," said the Shadow Walker. "Are you really here?" "No, Nyx," she replied. "You are dreaming. Well, technically, I am here. But here is inside your dream. Don't think about it too much, it will only confuse you. Truth be told, it confuses me." "Why are you here?" "I came to tell you that help will soon be on the way. Tenaka's group will soon finish their quest." "How do you know?" "I have felt him use the Antilight. A great deal recently. Also, any able magic user in Tamriel can tell that something is happening. Magical energy is flying everywhere. So much so that its exact origin is unknown. Anyway, the point is that we will soon be on the way. I should tell you that Zerith is escaping - I visited him first and told him to..." "You went inside his dream? What was he dreaming of?" "No, I did not visit his dream. I do not know him well enough to do that and so I had to drag him into mine. Stall for time and whatever you do, do not let Vex discover Zerith's absence. We shall be here shortly." "There is a problem. Vex and I are Soulbound." "We know. Do not worry. We have a plan to help you out of that little inconvenience. Do not give up hope. We are coming." With these final words, Kriella's image faded from the scene.