"My deepest apologies for allowing the dark elf's escape, My Count." I regarded Zul calmly. "It matters little, old friend. He will not leave Oblivion without the woman he loves." I poured Morrowind firewine into a platinum goblet. "Some for you as well?" Zul nodded. I gave him the wine, then poured some for myself. "Thank you, Your Grace." I nodded absently. "I would still enjoy knowing how he pulled it off." "As would I. All anyone seems to know is that he killed one of the Chosen, and took his armor. Then, while on patrol, we were attacked by a monster of some sort." He sipped his wine, his lavender eyes dark and moody. "What sort of creature?" "It was round, all mouth and teeth and eyeballs. The Chosen panicked, it shames me to say." He gripped his goblet until I feared he would dent it. Finally he relaxed. "He will pay dearly, for I know it was his doing!" "Zerith is quite clever, for a mortal. Do not be so harsh on The Chosen, Zul. The dark elf obviously used a combination of illusions, backing it up with a fear spell. It would seem that his power is greater than any of us thought." Zul rubbed his chin. "Then why wait so long to make use of it?" I shrugged. "I cannot answer that. All that comes to mind is, somehow, he has found out that help is on the way, and soon." I drained what remained of my wine. "Take your Chosen, Oathbrother. Patrol as you were, and pay particular attention to the open areas, such as near the Lake of Dreams." Zul nodded. "What of the mortal woman--Nyxalinth?" "I have Red and Blackie standing guard over her." I smiled darkly. "She'll not make a move, for she knows what will happen to her." He shook his head. "Is it not possible that you underestimate her, My Count? She is, after all, the one who brought Mehrunes Dagon low." I laughed. "Nyx is a bright girl, yes. But she has no weapons to wield against them. The jewelry she wears dampens her magicka abilities, so she'll be lucky if she can fire off a cleaning cantrip, much less a Shadowfire spell." "Still, Your Grace, standing Red and Blackie to guard her...is that not unlike assigning a scamp to guard the pantry, or Clanfear the wine cellars?" I stretched languidly, ebony armor creaking. "They know the consequences of disobedience." I smiled wolfishly, and was rewarded by Zul's near-imperceptable shudder. We were silent for several long minutes. Finally, Zul said, "One last thing, my Count. What of Lishara?" I quirked a brow. "What of her?" "She is fearsomely angry, and insanely jealous. Might she not attempt to take advantage of the situation to permanently rid herself of her rival?" I nodded. "Fear not, Brother. I do realize her hatred towards my consort. Red and Blackie should be able to deal with her. I have warned them that Lishara may seek to harm Nyxalinth." "I just hope that they can deal with the Shadow Walker, and her friends," he muttered. I smiled wryly. "This conversation begins to bore me. Take the Chosen and do as I have ordered." Zul stood, bowed, and left the room, green cloak floating behind him. A servant approached at my gesture. "You have heard?" "Yessss, my Count," hissed the Clannfear. "Keep an eye on Lishara and her Morphoids. I no longer trust that wench." "Assss you wish it, Your Grace." ---------------------------- Shadow Walkers Realm http://www.ownz.net mailto://sherrian@pagan.net PGP Public Key Fingerprint: F3C8 947E 0895 B415 00FC 5980 6497 91F4