Crash Landing Cromm stepped through the Window with some apprehension. This was not like a teleportation spell, which would not work on a Werre, save for Balefire's mighty spell...but that was driven by a desperate anger only matched by the man's will. He also had the Blood with him, now an inert ring. Its essence had passed on with that of the Heart, forever ending the threat of the First. This Window was not a teleportation spell of any kind. Its foundation lay elsewhere, and so the Werre stepped through not knowing what would happen. He heard the rest of the square come after him, their boots crunching in the sand, then fall silent as they passed through the Window. For a moment, he saw the back of J'layah -- the last one of the non-Werre -- a few paces ahead, then she disappeared. With a grunt, Cromm brought himself up short, but not before finding something with his foot and crashing forward into a pile of...hay? A moment later, the rest of the Werre and Loriella stumbled into him. With a moment of anger born of embarrassment, he violently rose to his feet, knocking back Joran, who had fallen on him. Looking about, he saw that they were in a largish structure. Dim light filtered in from around the planks of a shuttered window. Hay lay piled up on all sides, the smell of which made his nose itch. A rake lay at his feet. Joran lay in a heap, and K'tarin was helping Loriella from another pile. The dried grass clung to her hair, making her look for a moment like some mad scarecrow, disheveled with straw hair. She seemed to know exactly how she looked, for she immediately turned away and quickly brushed off the offending straw. A horse neighed below. They were in the loft of a stable. "Where did that dark elf drop us?" he grumbled. "And where are the others?" After a cursory look about, K'tarin moved to the shutters and cracked them. Outside it was early morning a few hours past dawn. A large building stood across a broad court. In the shadow of the building, a group of worn but happy people were shoving open the door. Bright light streamed out to catch the sign by the door. "We are where we should be. The Angry Porcupine stands not far off, and our comrades have entered in." A thin smile crossed his lips. "It seems in their haste to return, they've completely forgotten us. That Window worked well enough." Cromm removed the last of the hay from his person. He did not like this place. The very air set his nose itching. He sniffed. Horses he did not mind, but stables! With a preemptory grunt, he found the ladder down, and motioned for the others to follow. The air below was more tolerable, if only for the horse smells overpowering the hay above. Soon they were outside. The air was almost damp compared to the dryness of the desert...and cold. They stood there blinking. Joran made the mistake of breathing too deeply. It was all he could do to stifle a coughing fit. He had never been from the driest regions of Hammerfell. Here, it was akin to inhaling water. And there was so much green! Only the sky remained the same; clear and blue, though perhaps not quite so deep. He had the strange sensation of being closer to the sky. 'Is this Skyrim?' he thought. 'No, there is snow and ice there. This is much farther south then.' He knew Menevia was far north of Hammerfell, but had no real idea where. It was pleasant here, if he didn't breathe too deeply. Was this why so many Werrites did not return to the Consilium? He was to take his first journey from the Consilium in a month's time. He would return, of course. But this air was seductive. "You look fine," Cromm was saying. Loriella was fussing over her hair, a tangled mess of renegade straw, dried mud, sand, and hair. "Cromm, you have as much sense of 'fine' as a spider daedra soused in a lake of Morid's Special Sauce! I'm more of a mess than you are." She looked almost fit to cry. No one had any idea how important this was to her. Here they were on the doorstep of perhaps the most famous tavern in civilized Tameriel, and she looked like a slum rat in the company of filthy vagabonds. She charged off behind the stable, bringing Cromm in tow. With a sharp glance she stayed K'tarin and the boy. Out of sight was a small well. She had Cromm draw up a bucket of clear cool water, and ordered him to dowse her. He kept drawing water until she had most of the mud and sand from her hair and clothing. Then she took off her shirt and began ringing it out. "If anyone comes around the corner, kill them." It was an order Cromm found himself obeying, and none too soon. Joran was just coming around the stable. He barreled into a massive chest. Thick arms attached to this chest picked up the boy, spun him around, and carried him back around the corner. This was all he saw. "Where is K'tarin?" Joran looked up in mild anger. No one had seen, but all the same, it was a bit humiliating to be lugged about like a sack of wheat. He was a warrior, a Werrite. He would be a Werre in a few years, and that commanded respect. It was only because Cromm was a Werre himself that Joran kept his tongue. Also, the boy had learned new respect for his to'khar. He was not the indecisive man he had once thought. Cromm had slain the most Denigroths, and defended the warmage himself. He had also led them through the Mother Storm. Joran was the son of a hre'khar, many ranks above Cromm, but he discovered himself not as great as the man now blocking his path. Being a great man's son did not in turn make him great. "He entered the tavern. He said his place was with that rude scribe. I could not tell him his place was with you because of his rank." Cromm's features did not flicker, but he felt satisfaction. Finally this boy was learning discipline. It was true K'tarin still belonged to Cromm. The to'khar had not released him from the square, but there was something between the scribe -- that annoying little man -- and the Werre. Possibly something similar to what existed between himself and Alduin. Cromm almost became annoyed. Alduin was rude, but he did not need to hear it from the mouth of a boy. "You were right to be silent, Joran, but do not call Alduin rude except to his face. If you can do that, then you may call him rude when he is not listening." It was an old proverb told so many times, its meaning had long been lost on most ears. It wasn't lost on Joran. Loriella came 'round the stable, clothes dark but not dripping as they were. Her hair hung about her shoulders no more damp than the rest of her. There were fiery highlights where the sun touched the drier strands. With a smile, she led them off to the most famous tavern in Menevia. * * * K'tarin opened the door quietly and shut it behind. The common room was full of cheer with guests coming down from restful sleep, and the barkeep drawing fresh draughts for morning throats dry from sleep and the previous night's laughter. Balefire, Elfiran, J'layah and the rest were crowded about a table to the side. Three faces he did not recognize, but the familiarity between them caused him to veer away to the bar to ask about food and provisions. He ached all over from the ordeals they had all endured, but now he was more concerned for the square's resources than his own hurts. He would be reprimanded for abandoning the others outside, so the least he could do was have something to show for it. He glanced at the table and saw Alduin held rapt as some new tale was being told by the strangers. His ears strained to hear them above the general hubbub. There was some sort of vote being taken now. They were deciding what to do next. K'tarin ordered an Aldabaran Dark from the barkeep and made for the group. Now Alduin's voice rose: "And I will be accompanying the ladies to help save J'layah's sister." K'tarin reached over the little man and dangled the mug of ale before the scribe's face. His eyes fairly crossed as they trained on the mug, and up went his hands to grab it. The Werre quickly pulled up the treat just in time. Alduin turned about and saw the amused Werre. K'tarin was actually smiling. Alduin hadn't known him for very long, but the effect still surprised him. The others were already moving on to other subjects, and didn't notice the scribe move off with the swarthy man. K'tarin led him to another table somewhat removed. As reward, he set down the mug for Alduin. The old man immediately snatched it and began to slowly nurse it. It seemed K'tarin knew his weakness. The Werre grew earnest. "It is good you will be going on with J'layah. I would not have been happy to choose between watching you in Oblivion and avenging honor against Shomshar and S'talin. Especially S'talin." Alduin merely smiled. "I came here to scribe a story and found a maiden in distress. I've followed my prostigious nose this far. I'm not going to be put off track when the end seems so near." The tavern door opened again, admitting Loriella with her husband and Joran in her wake. Her face lit when she saw the place, and soon she was looking about every beam of wood and chair, ending up at the great hearth. She eyed the gem Balefire had placed there but somehow resisted the urge to touch it. Touching inevitably led to holding, which in turn often led to taking. Cromm strode straight for K'tarin. K'tarin stood at his approach, ready for his dressing down. "Have you looked to provisions?" K'tarin paused only a moment. This was unexpected. "Yes. The innkeeper has said he will look into it. Food and drink are here in supply. Bandages and another pack can be found shortly." Loriella popped up behind Cromm's shoulder. "And baths! Did you ask about baths? Humph! You men are all alike! I'll do it then." She stormed off to the barkeep. Alduin was fiercely concentrating on his drink. His grin couldn't be held off for long, and he buried his face in the mug to save himself. Cromm held out his hand to K'tarin. "Now we part. You served well in my square, K'tarin. May your honor be revenged. We are saddened that we may not travel with you. We must check in to the outpost shortly." He turned to watch his wife chatting up the barkeep who looked to be listening more to Kriella's conversation than to the khajiit before him. "But we can spare a day or two here. She may never leave the bathtub once in it." After a brief handclasping, Cromm moved off to Loriella and Joran, who had been quietly standing by, wandered over to Alduin's old seat to listen to the conversation about Oblivion and daedra. <><><><><><><><><> Alduin dor Lammoth