Many thanks to Chris for helping me out towards the end. ;-) "That does sound...most enticing. Do you think I could handle all of that pleasure?" Blackie smirked. "You have before, lovey." "Oh, true enough..." I stretched, this time adding a wide yawn. "Well...hmmm...I suppose it's my turn again, no? Would you enjoy hearing about the first time your master had me?" "Now that would be fun!" And so I told them...letting them think all the while that my smiles were of anticipation of enjoyment to come. Which, in fact, they were. But not in the way they were expecting... When I finished telling them, Blackie chuckled. "Well, if I didn't know why before, I know why His Grace is so taken with you." Red added, "You're a rare one, that's for sure. I don't think we've ever encountered a mortal quite like you before." "Well." I didn't know what to say. I could tell Red was being sincere, a shock in itself. It was the first compliment I'd had from them that didn't involve my responses or my body. "Thank you." It couldn't hurt my cause to be polite to them. Blackie grinned wickedly. "I for one will be glad when the heroes have been dealt with." I cringed at the way he sneered the word heroes. "I look forward to feeling your nails clawing my back again." His words sent a shudder through me, and it wasn't a pleasant one. It was a shudder of self-disgust. But if the boys thought it to be one of anticipation, who was I to argue? It would help all the more. Red smiled. "I still have nail marks on mine from the last time." Blackie shook his head. "I think those might have been from Lishara." Red disagreed. "I think not. You said it yourself--she wasn't all that. Hmmph." "Especially not compared to this delicious mortal," Blackie said, smiling at me fondly--or was that fond smile directed at my cleavage? I didn't care. Before long, he could watch me all he wanted from the Darkness, and not be able to touch me for a long time. "Well, boys, I still have marks on me from where you...nibbled on me last. You do tend to bite a little hard...but still..." I let my words trail off. Blackie laughed. "Mmmm...and maybe you'd let us see where the marks are?" I grinned. "Oh, come on....can't you imagine it?" I didn't want to show them. They had more self control than most spider daedra, but I didn't want to chance pushing them too far. "A fine idea...but perhaps you should let us see." Red's gravelly voice took on the silky tone that I knew all too well. They were getting up to something...err, bad choice of words. Ahh,'re starting to lose it... "Boys, His Grace said-" Blackie cut me off. "He said we couldn't have you. He didn't say we couldn't touch you, or what with." He started moving down the wall towards me, Red followed suit. "Look," I said firmly as they moved closer. "As much as the idea tempts me, would you really want to have His grace discover that you only followed the letter of his words and not the intent?" Blackie only smiled. He settled down next to the bed, leaning over me a little. His dark blue eyes seemed to bore into mine, and at last he said, "You are a very clever little bitch. You almost had us fooled." Red knelt on the other side of me. "We know you well enough that if it were something you truly wanted, you'd risk his wrath upon you." His fingers stroked the side of my neck, then slowly trailed into my cleavage. His storm gray eyes were dark as he said, "You were trying to distract us, no?" "I-" "Enough," Blackie growled. "Red, the honor is for you, my brother." To me he said, "We should have done this earlier, but curisoity go the better of us. And while you lay here, paralyzed by Red's venom, you can hear us slaughtering your friends." "I wouldn't count on it," I snarled, and the snarl became a scream as Red sank his fangs into the muscled part of my shoulder. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Nyx stopped the scream that was tearing up her throat as Red sunk his teeth into her. Already she could feel the venom moving in her body, surging along her veins. Already she could not move her body near her shoulder where the bite had been. In desperation, she silently called out to the only one she could think of that may be able to help. 'Great Lord,' her mind's voice called. As she thought the words, her vision blackened and was replaced by the familiar Ebony helm that marked the face of the Great Lord of War, Ebonarm. "Why hast thou called upon me, Shadow Walker?" "I call not for myself, Great Lord, but for my friends. Two Daedra have paralysed me, and I cannot warn them of the impending ambush." "What wouldst thou have me do, Shadow Walker?" "I beg that you free me, Great Lord!" "It is done, Shadow Walker. Beware of moving, however. Should they realise that the effects have left thee, then they will repeat the procedure, and I cannot act to help thee a second time. Inferfering outside of my own realm is rarely tolerated. However, the Dreadlord shall be warned of the ambush. Good luck, Shadow Walker!" With these final words, the Ebony helm faded from her vision and she could again see the room where she lay. ---------------------------- Shadow Walkers Realm mailto:// PGP Public Key Fingerprint: 248B F4A2 BB7C B48D CB83 35BD BF3D D2BC