Elfiran drained the last drop from his tankard, and set it down on the well-polished table imported from the other side of the Dragontail Mountains. "Well, Alduin, thet do be a worthy quest, but ah'm jest a simple tavern owner. Seems te me thet it would be very dull hangin around me tryin' te get a story." At this, Elfiran raised his hand and the barkeep quickly filled his tankard, then set the pitcher on the table, before retreating back to the bar. "Now several of me friends, thet's a different story. Take fer instance Lord Stinger, or even Prince Flitzanu. Then there's Rhiannon, who is co-owner of this tavern. Oh yes, and The Evil Temptress. Of course you already mentioned Balefire. And ah heard thet Mea Culpa is travellin wit him as well as Tabanallis. Then there's the story of me ill-fated cousin Andel Crodo. Lessee, ye could write about Lyvim Xaphir also. And of course there's Harrgin. And ye could nay ferget about Lady Shi'Nayne." He then rests back in his chair, props his boots up on the table and continues.... "All these people te write about, and ye want te travel wit me? Like ah said afore, ah'm jest a simple tavern owner tryin te eke out a life on me own." Elfiran looked at Alduin's travelling companions and smiled the smile of a man who was comfortable with himself and his abilities. He then turned and stared at Alduin, "Besides, ah jest returned from a, let us say, excursion against the Dark Brotherhood. So travellin wit me is nay the safest way te travel lately, and no offense, but yer 'companions' do nay look like they can handle themselves against a couple dozen assassins." He then sat back up, and finished his tankard. He set it down with a solid thunk, before leaning back again in his chair to relax. Just before he totally relaxed into an oblivion of light sleep, he could sense Alduin about to speak again, so he snapped his eyes open and stared directly at Alduin......... Elfiran Wood Mage BladeMaster ArchMage Co Owner of The Angry Porcupine