Aldabaran Dark > Just before he totally relaxed into an oblivion of light sleep, he could > sense Alduin about to speak again, so he snapped his eyes open and stared > directly at Alduin......... Alduin wasn't looking at him. He was frowning deeply at his drink. "Aldabaran Dark tastes a bit different here." He shot a look at his host. "Mind you, it isn't bad, but it lacks a certain nutty flavor." He paused to take another appraising swig. "It's almost sweet." Now he met Elfiran's stare. "And just as this is not yer average rum, you are not yer average tavern owner. Do not patronize me. My eyes are not dim, and neither is my mind." The little man flicked a careless glance over the high elf. "Call me foolhardy, but I've been in the roughest bars and inns from the Imperial City to the bleak land of Morrowwind, and I've never seen a barkeep, let alone the owner wear Daedric plate. I don't know. Maybe I haven't been out enough, but you don't strike me as a man who is trying to eke out an existence here at the Angry Porcupine. Not to press my point home too hard, but if the Dark Brotherhood is after you and you're still alive, there's a tale or two to write about you. "You mention names and you call them friends. That alone, if nothing else, points to an interesting life. Do you still want to call yourself a meager tavern owner?" The high elf's face had darkened considerably. Alduin felt his anger at being spoken to with such disrespect, but he had had it coming, belittling his escort. K'tarin was a fine warrior, not only because he was immune to magic, but because his heart was as strong as his axe arm. Alduin didn't know much about the other two, but K'tarin had vouched for them, and that was good enough for the scribe. Elfiran's face was stern. He was about to speak when the tavern door swung aside. The elf glanced in its direction and his face completely changed. Alduin turned to the door as well, and beheld a band of hardy men and women stride in. He recognized the first one, Twilight. The others he did not know by face, but was sure he would recognize their names. The last to enter was Balefire, and imposing dark elf, a great staff in hand. Although he had never seen Balefire, Alduin knew immediately who he was. While the troupe found tables around which to put up their feet, Balefire walked straight to Elfiran, a wide grin on his dark face. Although Alduin had seen many wonders and spoken with men of importance, he felt invisible now; just another patron passing through the Porcupine. He noticed, however, that K'tarin had moved from his seat and was now taking up station on the barstool just behind the old man. The elves exchanged greetings, and the warmage cast an impressive little cantrip, producing wine and ale. "Join me in a drink, good Elfiran, and bring us up to date on what you have been up to." Balefire introduced his companions, gesturing to each in turn. Although he was drinking from his mug of rum, Alduin listened carefully to each name and glanced at each face over his mug. "And who", Balefire continued, "might these friends of yours be? They have the look of hard journeying upon them." Alduin couldn't help but notice the warmage had not addressed him directly. The scribe decided to let it pass, and he continued to work at his Aldabaran Dark. Although it wasn't as rich as what he had at home, it made up for this lack with its undercurrent of honey. He had been trying to decide what it was. Now he was sure it was honey that made the rum sweet. He would let Elfiran answer the question. ++++++++++++++++++ Alduin dor Lammoth