> "Are we ready, then, to seek out and destroy this one-eyed assassin and > rescue J'layah's sister? Methinks we must needs move quickly, as those > traitors are sufficiently privy to our plans that we may already have lost the > advantage of surprise." Balefire's words sent a jolt of adrenalin through J'layah and a small knot of fear settled in the pit of her stomach (the only thing she'd managed to keep down all morning). The moment both dreaded and anticipated had finally arrived. She wandered over to where Elfiran was busily stacking parcels of food and kegs of ale, whistling a merry ditty as he worked. "I know you are coming with us Elfiran, but I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful hospitality and generousity," she gestured at the mountain of supplies. "Tamriel could sorely use more folk like yourself." Then she turned and sought out Twilight, who was conducting a final weapons check. "Shall we?" Less than half an hour later the entire party gathered at the Mages Guild. "Are you sure you can track us Balefire?" J'layah asked, "I would hate to arrive on the one-eyed man's doorstep with no support!" The big warmage's nod was confident as he assured her the rest of the party would arrive on the scene shortly after she and Twilight. "Right then, wish us luck!" She looked around for Twilight, nearly jumping out of her skin when the newly invisible elf placed a hand on her shoulder. J'layah began reciting the words that would transport them to Aldingbury, and into the lion's den. When the disorienting effect of the teleport spell faded, the women found themselves on a vast, arid plain surrounded by low hills. A great stone citadel loomed ahead - less than a mile in the distance. The air was very dry and the temperature several degrees hotter than Vanshire. J'layah was puzzled. "This is not Aldingbury. Perhaps I uttered the spell incorrectly!" "Something is amiss here," Twilight hissed, "very wrong." Her true invisibility spell suddenly flickered and died.........