Damn, but the desert was hot. Torgath had been crawling through it for nigh on three weeks now, searching for the great dragon Asmoneas. He had entered the desert with a plan, confident of success. Now, he was lost, thirsty, and tired. He staggered over the top of a dune, and thought he saw shapes on the horizon. Thinking they were mirages, he almost dismissed them. "Wait a minute," he thought, "I'm don't know any other way to go, I might as well check it out." As he made his way over, he finally came upon them. His surprise at the presence of people was compounded by the oddness of the sight. There, standing contemplatively over a blackened husk of a man who he presumed was dead, were two women. He stepped forward to address them. "Well," he said, "What brings a couple of women like you out to this end of the desert." Jeff Cauwels cauwels@hnet.net