> [slash] > > Balefire turned his back on the decapitated cadaver, and marched over to > where Twilight and Tabanallis were kneeling over J'layah's unconscious > form. From his backpack Tabanallis produced a small glass vial > containing a greenish liquid, which he unstoppered and waved under her > nose, and in less time than it takes to execute a decent yawn, she was > awake. "Wh-what happened?" she asked Twilight. > "You were possessed by an evil spirit of sorts," replied Twilight whilst > trying to ascertain whether J'layah was really herself once more. "Do > you recall anything?" > J'layah thought for a minute. "I remember leaning over to spit on > Thule's body, and seeing some kind of light, and then nothing. No, > wait!" J'layah rubbed at her temples and frowned in concentration. "I > heard a voice, commanding me to do.....things, and I could not disobey. > It was awful!" She paled visibly at the memory. > "Perhaps you had best return Balefire's ring ere we move on," urged > Twilight gently. J'layah nodded and reached inside her shirt for the > thong on which she'd hung the ring, but her hand came away empty. > "Well?" Balefire was looking at her expectantly, and she suddenly found > it difficult to return his gaze. In a small voice she said "I am afraid > I have........swallowed it." "Swallowed it. I see. 'Tis a large ring, so I suppose I must assume yon dead assassin's will caused you to do that...it cannot have been pleasant." The big Dark Elf sighed and muttered something too softly to hear, which may have been just as well for J'layah, judging from the expression on his face. "Well, what's done is done. I see that we must keep you closeby, though, until we locate your sister's gem-trapped soul and reunite it with her body. It appears that my ring figures in this somehow, and whatever 'Heart' that carrion over there was prattling about. Doubtless the castle yonder must be our next destination. It looks a grim place, and I hope it contains at least some fell inhabitants...I feel like killing something." He said this last with a snarl that left no doubt of his seriousness, nor of his mood. Twilight, calm as ever, laughed softly. "Aye, Milord Balefire, and there's naught new in that. Meanwhile, have you been observing the flashing from over there? While you -- and I, for that matter -- were busy, I saw what looked like a signal of some kind. Too regular for aught that's natural, methinks..." The warmage sheathed his sword with obvious reluctance and barked a brief and mirthless laugh. "Aye, I noted it, and I noted some stealthy movement after, as well. Let us ride over there toward those piles of...bones, are they? I'll wager that we find Mea, very sensibly keeping away from this war party-turned-circus. 'Swallowed', indeed, by all the gods...what have I done to deserve this?" "Well, milord, if you put it that way, there was the time in Dwynnen with that innkeeper's twin daughters, when..." "Never mind, Twilight! Just get on your horse, and let's ride. And, J'layah...I would take it as a personal favor if you would be very careful what you swallow from now on." With a swirl of his blood-red cape, Balefire mounted and rode off, leaving the others to follow.