As the sun began her slow ascent to the heavens, Neetar left his perch on top of the large building and slipped into some convenient shadows to think. He hadn't seen the elf, Tabanallis, leave the tavern, so it seemed he'd have to go in. Not a problem. Loosening his weapons, he flitted across the open space to the rear wall of the Porcupine. A jump and a strong grip had him on a window ledge. He surveyed the room inside, and finding it empty, went to work on the lock. A few seconds later, he was inside. He went carefully out into the corridor, Reaper in hand. The tavern was still dark at this juncture, so he continued on to the next door. Opening it a crack, he peered in. A small form lay in the bed, snoring heavily. It was not his quarry. He left and went to the next door. Again it was not Tabanallis. He checked all the rooms in this fashion. He had had a couple of close shaves, with people nearly waking up, but a quick blow to the back of the head had sorted them out. One resource exhausted, he decided check the common room. Stopping near the top of the steps, so that he could just see into the busy-looking common room, Neetar spotted his prey. The elf seemed to be joining hands with a group of other impressive-looking people. Neetar realised just too late that this is what is done before a teleportation spell is cast. There was a bright flash as the group disappeared. Neetar cursed under his breath and headed down the stairs. Drawing his katana, Nemesis, he strolled up to the barman, grabbed him, spun him around and held the blade to his throat. "Where were they going?" he demanded. "I..I..don't know!" stuttered the portly barman, as his wild eyes looked around the room for help. One swarthy looking Nord approached, saying, "Now, look here, sir..." Neetar threw the barman against the wall and sent the Nord flying with a spinning roundhouse. He crashed into a table and lay still. Neetar went back to the barman and picked him up. "This is not a game. Where did they go?" The barman looked into Neetar's coldly burning eyes and answered "I honestly do not know, sir. All they said was that they were on some quest against the Dark Brotherhood!" Neetar dropped the barman and turned around to survey the room. "Who is the most powerful mage here?" he asked. A middle-aged man in blue and green robes stood up. "I believe I am, sir, why?" "You will teleport me to the destination of the group that just left. I presume you can replicate the spell?" The mage nodded and began moving his hands. Neetar looked on in jealousy. It came so easily to some, and not at all to others. He thought it lucky he had asked the magician-smith in the school of Julianos to make him an item so that teleport and levitate spells would work on him. He wore the bracelet now, as always. The mage finished his spell and pointed both hands at Neetar. A bolt of bluish-white lightning streaked from his fingertips towards Neetar. Neetar watched calmly as the bolt impacted on his chest. He felt a slight tingle spreading around his body. The mage stood there, still with his hands out, stunned at the failure of his most powerful destruction spell. He then clutched his neck as a dagger thrown by Neetar sprouted out of his throat. As he fell over, Neetar asked "Who is the next most powerful mage in the room?" A younger man stood up. "Good," said Neetar, "You will teleport me, or you will die. If you teleport me to the wrong place, I will find you, and then you will die." The young mage nodded mutely and waved his hands a few times. There was another bright flash, and then the harsh sunlight hit Neetar's sensitive eyes. He was in a desert somewhere. He swore, and cursed the young mage. Then he saw the tracks. Recently made. A large group. Neetar set off to follow the tracks. **************************************** Sorry if this is a bit out of the timeline again... Ben / Tab.