From: Christopher John Cunliffe <> "I am sorry, my Lord, but there is no one of that kind here at the moment." With that she walked off, swinging her hips in what she clearly assumed was seductive. Tenaka frowned as the girl gave him the answer he did not want. He had hoped his hunt would be over when he reached the Porcupine. This was where they all stayed. He knew not where they were, but he knew how he could find out. Going to the barkeep he booked a room for the night and went to it, for what he was about to do would require concentration and quiet. Sitting down he concentrated and quietly began to mutter words. Mist rose from the floor around him and concentrated as a small square before him. In the misty window the face of his Master appeared. "Where can I find those I seek, Great Lord?" Khan asked. "They can be located outside the Guardian Citadel. Hurry, for soon they shall enter, and then it could be too late." The window closed and the image of the black helmet faded. Tenaka walked out of the tavern into the cold night. His cloak blew out, but he did not feel the cold wind. He had long since learned to ignore such petty annoyances as unpleasant weather. He hurried towards the local Mages Guild. The door to the Mages Guild stood before him, set in a wall of green brick, the colour of which he had always found unpleasant. It was locked, as he had expected, for they only opened this late for high ranking members, and though he had once been an Archmage, that time was long ago. He muttered the words to a spell he had made himself when he had been a member and the door burst open. He walked into the building, surrounded by a blackness. Antilight. The very absence of light radiated from him, instilling fear in all before him. He saw fighters of the Order of the Lamp running towards him, but flicked them off with no effort at all, sending them to lie slumped against the walls. He felt magic being used nearby and looked over to see a Mage walking towards him. Tenaka could sense the pitiful thing the Mage would call a shield, but he decided that now it could be the time for talk. "What do you seek?" asked the Mage. "I seek the services of the Travellers League." "Surely you know that they only offer their services to the highest ranking members of the Guild." "I expect the services of all I call to serve me. Do you not know me? Has the Mages Guild fallen so low and ignorant that they cannot recognise a legend when they see it?" "I know you, Tenaka Khan. You were expelled from the Guild when you became a Vampire, though I see that that is no longer a problem." "That was long ago, and I have risen high since then. I am now the Dreadlord!" "That is a myth!" "That myth is reality." The Antilight around Tenaka grew outwards until it took up most of the room. The Mage edged back. He knew that if Tenaka truly was the Dreadlord then it would take more magic that he could summon to protect him from that absence of light. Tenaka smiled. The man had doubts. He muttered under his breath and his magic turned those doubts to fear. "Very well, Dreadlord. Come this way." Tenaka Khan followed the man through the corridors as he lessened the radius of the Antilight. The went around staircases, turned corners and even went outside at one point. Tenaka memorised where he was going as he walked, wishing it were as simple as the Mages Guild back in his hometown of Midbury. Finally they went through a door, and he recognised the chamber of a member of the Travellers League. "Well, come on then," said the Mage. "Where do you want to go?" "I would visit the Guardian Citadel!"