From: (Christopher John Cunliffe) Subject: [PORC] Return of a Friend Tenaka smiled as he watched Twilight's example to J'layah. Possibly unnecessary, probably a bad idea to let people know that someone had arrived, but fun all the same. Somewhere within him he felt a twang of pity for the young elf. First a broken sword and then this. It really was not her day. As Twilight marched off towards the gaping gates, Tenaka swept back his cloak with a dramatic flourish and followed. He was willing to let her be the leader for a while. It would do nobody any good if he tried to take over. As they entered the gate, he looked back and saw the other three following. Only he saw the looks on their faces. J'layah still had a pale face from the smell of the rotting corpse and he could easily translate the look Mea gave to Twilight's back into words. This incident had damaged their friendship. It was a sad thing when such a simple thing should be so damaging. The Nord, Pilar, was harder to read. Her look was still icy cold. Like Tenaka, she cared neither way what Twilight did to corpses she found, but it appeared she also had a certain empathy towards J'layah. It was only a few steps further on when he felt something to make him forget all of this, however. He and Twilight had entered a great hall, clearly a greeting place for whoever lived within the Citadel. Indeed, this person appeared very wealthy. There were tapestries over the walls, and the ornate candle holders appeared expensive. But it was not the wealth of the place that caught his attention. He had felt a slight tingling within him. For a few moments, he struggled to identify the familiar feeling. And then it hit him. He had been without Magicka for so long that he had forgotten its feel. But this was it. The real thing. And stronger than anywhere else. Now he recognised the feeling. It was the same as he felt upon leaving his Master's Tower. In order to test his theory he conjured up a small light. Clearly feeling the drawing of magic, Twilight turned to him with a relaxed smile on her face, but he could tell that she was in reality a taught as a wound spring. The smile told him other things though. She had also noticed the return of Magicka, but had not expected him to. He had impressed her. He now had her respect. Letting go of the magic, he extinguished the slight flame. She turned away from him at a slight sound as the other three entered the room. There were noises coming from the end of the hall. His sharp Elven eyes could faintly make out large shapes, but nothing more. What he could tell, however, was that these creatures were not friendly. Looking forward to the battle, he loosened his Daedric Dai-katana in it's sheath and tightened his cuirass. Sweeping back his cloak, he summoned up the newly available Magicka and channelled it into fire. As his cloak blew out behind him, he leapt to Twilight's side and released the magic. He knew there were too many for this simple spell to kill, or even injure, all, but it served other purposes. It evened the odds slightly, and it was the simplest way to inform the less experienced in the group that the old friend of Magicka had indeed returned.