From: (Christopher John Cunliffe) Subject: [PORC] Inexperienced Children At the sight of Tenaka's magic, J'layah, Mea and Pilar ran into the room, drawing weapons as they came. Tenaka smiled as he saw that J'layah was using the Daedric katana he had given her. Now that it was to be used, its own magic could come into play. How was she to know that the blade would magically alter her perception of him with every use. He hope she would kill at least a couple of whatever was coming. He thought that he now had at least the respect of Twilight. The blade would give him the trust of J'layah. Now he had only to affect Mea and Pilar. He turned and looked at Twilight who had also drawn her weapon. He could not tell is she had known the creatures were there before he fired, but it seemed likely. Unlike the other three who were running in excitedly, she was calm, seemingly resigned to what was going to happen. If Tenaka had had to guess, he would say that whilst she could kill and dismember corpses, she did not like it as much as she let on. The gift, or curse of experience. The other three did not have it. They still found the prospect of battle exciting. They longed to risk their lives. They were young yet. He was like Twilight. He had thought in more battles than he could remember. He had killed more men and creatures than he could count. He had hoped that his latest assignment might put an end to the killing. Recruitment should be peaceful – easy. But nothing was ever easy. He had not expected to have to win their trust or respect, but judging by their recent experiences, he would. He had been able to tell from the moment J'layah waved her broken sword at him that they would not trust easily. He saw a blood spattered arm fly from the end of the room, still slightly on fire. He recognised it as an Orc's arm. He had nothing against Orcs, generally – there were many in his Master's army – anybody of any race could be a hero if they had the strength – but when they tried to kill him, he took it personally. He drew his sword. Maybe there were none left. Mere Orcs could and clearly had been killed by his magic. He stood at Twilight's side. Twin spectres watching the scene, both outwardly calm, but both ready to strike at a moment's notice. The other three hardly noticed the two of them standing there and ran into the darkness. Tenaka silently cursed and heard Twilight do so less silently. They both looked at each other and he mouthed 'inexperience' to her. She smiled and mouthed back 'children'. "After you, my lady," said Tenaka, bowing. She nodded and turned back to where sounds of combat could be heard. She started walking towards it and Tenaka followed. This was going well. Soon he would have not only her respect, but her friendship. He imagined that that was a most difficult prize to gain. But it would be invaluable. If she agreed to take the test, then the rest would too. When they reached the battleground, there was little left to do. The three young women were cleaning their blades on the remains of the Orc's clothing and sheathing them. Tenaka and Twilight also put away their weapons. "This must be the way to go," said Tenaka, peering into the darkness. "However, I would prefer it if were not surprised again. Kindly do me the favour of guarding my body. I shall scout ahead for a few moments." He sat down and retreated inside of himself again. As his spirit left his body, he added a silvery glow to his path for a few seconds. Still one for the dramatic, after all these years. Once great tales had been told of Tenaka Khan. One day they would be again. He removed the lights and sped down the corridor, into the darkness…