From: (Christopher John Cunliffe) Subject: [PORC]: Fire and Ice Tenaka's spirit form sped down the corridors of the Guardian Citadel. He knew that he had a lot of ground to cover, and not enough time to do it in. Already he could faintly feel his body weakening. It must have something to do with the abundance of magic being used in this place – normally he would have longer than this. Passing through a wall before him, he entered what appeared to be a strange museum. Like the rest of the Citadel, it was filled with tapestries and ornate drapings, but this room had something more. It contained many statues of people. Some he recognised from the stories. Some too, he had met when they were reborn in his Master's army. But one in particular held his attention for longer than the others. The other statues seemed to be made of a strange stone, but this was stranger still, for it glistened like ice. Within the icy tomb, he could see the young body of a Khajit. Tenaka felt a twang of pity for the young man. Taken at such a young age, he had no idea why he would be here. But he had showed bravery. His encasement in ice would have been a slow process, but there was no fear on his face – merely a look of resigned fatalism. Tenaka raised his arm and passed it into the block of ice, into the young Khajit's body. It still lived! He quickly withdrew his hand, not wishing to cause any more harm than had already been done. He turned suddenly as he heard something behind him. He felt magicka enter the room and looked around. Two men were entering the room. One wore flowing robes and a long beard – he was clearly an important mage around here – whilst the other had the look of an apprentice about him. Something about the way he watched the older man's every move, imitated his walk. They were speaking, though in a language Tenaka could not understand. He approached. Suddenly, the older man's head lifted and the two of them stopped walking. The archmage looked around until his gaze fell on Tenaka's spirit. And there it stopped. Tenaka was surprised. He was supposed to be invisible in this form. Clearly, if the observer were trained sufficiently, this was not the case. "Who are you?" asked the archmage quietly. His apprentice had a puzzled look on his face. He could clearly not see Tenaka. "Tenaka Khan, Dreadlord. Whom do I have the honour of addressing?" "That is not for one such as yourself to know, Dreadlord." "You have heard tell of my title before?" "Of course. Here all knowledge is considered sacred. Nothing is ever forgotten. We have writings about the first Dreadlord here. What do you want?" "I was merely looking around. I had no wish to disturb you." Tenaka was slightly worried. If the man had the ability to see him, maybe he had the ability to harm him. "I thought as much. 'Tis a pity that another Dreadlord must be lost. I sense potential within you too. Such a pity." With these words the man raised his hands, letting loose a ball of fire. Instinctively, Tenaka dodged. He did not know if the fire could have harmed him, but he was not willing to take the chance. The ball of fire fell into the icy statue of the Khajit. The ice melted and the body slumped forward. Here was Tenaka's salvation. He could not affect anything whilst in Spirit Form, but in a corporeal body, he could better anything – at least anything he had previously come up against. He sped towards the body of the young Khajit and passed into it. He no longer feared doing damage to the young man – without help he would die soon anyway without the protection of the magical ice. As he positioned himself he cut his connection to his body. He thought for a moment if the four women would worry at seeing his body appear to die. But for only a moment. He had more pressing concerns now. Rising, he leapt at the apprentice, still seemingly dumbfounded at happenings. As he approached, the man seemed to come again to his senses and drew a small dagger from his belt. Tenaka's new fist met his head with a crushing blow and the man slumped, unconscious to the ground. Tenaka grabbed the knife and stood looking at the archmage. He also seemed surprised. He had clearly not expected Tenaka to be able to take another's body. Tenaka walked forward menacingly, or at least as menacingly as he could be in a Khajit body. He felt the archmage weave another ball of fire and he threw up his own magic to shield himself. As the archmage's magic dissipated on his shield, he prepared his own aggressive spell. Summoning up all the power he could, he sent out ice towards the archmage. The icy ball fell at the man's feet, which were suddenly frozen to the ground. The archmage did not have as much courage as the young Khajit had had. He had a look of fear on his face as the ice rose to cover his own body. Tenaka released the body of the young Khajit and it slumped to the ground at his feet. Now in a real hurry, he gave a quick prayer to his Master that he live long enough for him to come and help him. Racing through the corridors he worried that he would become lost, no longer being able to feel his body. He had stayed out too long. He should never have been so careless as to come so far out! Suddenly, he emerged in the anteroom where he had left his body. It had indeed turned deathly pale, but it still lived – barely. As he entered he felt the pain that being separated for so long caused – but ignored it. He rose, wiping the sweat from his brow. As he stood, he opened a Window back to the museum. Only then did he look around to see his companions. "Hurry," he said. "There is no time to waste!" He ran through the Window